Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Goop is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Polymorph from Viscosia.


Goop is a humanoid pile of goo that can take any shape at will. Goop has an Anti-Gravity Projector that allows him to be mobile in Earth's gravity and also projects his voice. His omnitrix symbol is on his chest.

Powers And Abilities[]

Goop is indestructible. He can change his body shape to fit through different objects. He can fly using his Anti-gravity Projector. Goop is able to pull himself back together if separated. He can shoot slime from his body.


If the Anti-Gravity Projector is separated from him, Goop's body goes completely inert until he recollects it. Goop can be hurt by being spun really fast in a centrifuge, which causes him to begin separating into his constituent compounds. He cannot reform if he is being continuously attacked.




  • Goop's Anti-Gravity Projector isn't part of Polymorph biology; Goop has one due to the difference of gravity between Viscosia and Earth.
  • Goop is a single-celled organism.