Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Goop is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Polymorph from Viscosia in Kalus 10.


Goop shares his appearance with his UAF self. The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.

Powers and Abilities[]

Goop's body is indestructible so physical attacks cannot harm him.

Goop can generate or shoot slime from his body, which can either be acidic or adhesive. He can also spit slime, despite having no mouth.

Goop can make his body acidic at will. This acid is strong enough to dissolve rock, as demonstrated in Charmed, I'm Sure.

Goop is capable of bending or stretching any part of his body.

Due to being made of slime Goop can carry creatures or objects in his body.

Goop can create slime tentacles in combat.

Goop is capable of regenerating his body.

Despite his slimy body Goop is quite strong as he is capable of taking out opponents in hand to hand combat.

Goop's body is slippery so he can make enemies slip. He is also sticky so he can stick to walls and surfaces.

Goop's eyes can move around his body.

Goop's anti-gravity projector can allow him to fly.


Should Goop's anti gravity projector be attacked, it can cause Goop's body to either be splattered everywhere or just fall to the ground as a puddle, as he needs it to stay together and solidify himself. Enemies can also switch off his projector if needed.

Goop cannot regenerate if he is continuously attacked.

Goop is vulnerable to suction, such as that of a vacuum cleaner.

Goop is vulnerable to hypnosis.


  • Goop first appeared in The Hex Factor, where he battled Hex and dissolved his staff with his acidic touch.
  • In Charmed, I'm Sure, Goop saved his mother from Charmcaster and attempted to fight her rock monster but reverted.
  • In The Stalker, Goop failed to defeat the Stalker.
  • In Hunted, Goop tested out Jacob's training arena.



  • Goop's Anti-Gravity Projector isn't part of his Polymorph biology; he just has one due to the difference of gravity between Viscosia and Earth. The projector is created using the same mechanism in which nanomachines break down the Omnitrix wearer's clothing during his transformations.