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Ben 10:Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 2 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous A Haunting In Bellwood |
Next Ghost King Vs. Ben! |
It was the next day after Ghost King was released. He had come to know of Ben Tennyson...and he is not happy with him.
Ghost King: (Pacing around in circles while muttering) The Shapeshifter will pay for humiliating me! This I swear. And yet. I am not as powerful as he. There is only one option.
Theme song!
Ghost King: (Is now drawing designs for his own Omnitrix, trying to remember what it looked like) This will not do at all!(rips the drawing up) I can not remember what it looked like (he then stops). Hmmm, and it seems I have forgotten to free a few minions with me. No matter (he then glows as a few ghosts appear rising from the ground)
Ghost #1: We are back on Earth?
Yes. And we have a new objective. In the past twenty four hours I have returned -
Ghost #2: Excuse me, Sire? why don`t you use contractions?
Oh yes. I keep forgetting that is-(catches himself) I mean. I keep forgetting "that`s" a thing. Did I say it right?
Ghost #3: Yes your Majesty. Now continue.
I have learned we are not alone in the vast cosmos. There`s life on other planets. We`ve always suspected it...but now I can confirm it. And one single Human adolescent is able to turn into them. I elect we study him. Take him on if we must.
Ghost #1: How!?
Simple. I get my own transformer. If he has one there must be more. Or at least information on how to make one. Right? (His cronies nod in agreement) Good, now pay attention: Here`s the plan!
A few hours later Ben is seen fighting a giant version of Ghost #1.
Ben: (Turns into Jetray) JETRAY! Alright slimy. You and your friend are going back from wherever you crawled out from!
Giant Ghost #1: Heh. I`d like to see you try! (He then fires a large Ectoplasm ball at Jetray from his mouth)
Jetray: Eww! Disgusting!
Giant Ghost #1: I know you are, but what am I? (Before he can continue Gwen uses a spell to send him back)
Ghost King: (Has been watching the whole time) Excellent. Most excellent (he then looks at Ghost #2) have you procured a recording on the device known as a camera?
Ghost #2: I sure have boss. Now what?
Ghost King: We know how it works. Now I design one. (The spirit then draws a design) Perfect! Now to see if anyone is interested. Put out a private ad and encrypt it so that only smart individuals can decipher it!
Ghost #2: Right away your Majesty! (He floats away) oh boy, I`m going to be written down in history as the spirit who delivered his Majesty`s plans!
A few Days later two people arrive at the Ghost`s lair. They are revealed to be Dr. Psychobos and an Unknown individual who is seemingly human. However said Unknown Person is soon revealed to be a giant brain inside a robot body.
Ghost King: gentlemen. You are here for one reason. That reason: You`ve solved my riddle. And as such you want to try your hand at making me a CERTAIN DEVICE-.
Psychobos: (Interrupting) What is the pay?
Ghost King: The pay? Fear not. I am not the type of man to rip employees off (he nods to a Ghost. The Ghost nods back and opens up a safe revealing many gold bars) Will this satisfy your greed?
???: (having a somewhat high pitched voice) Oh. This will VERY MUCH "satisfy my (croaking a little) greeeed". Do you have anything in mind?
Ghost King: Here is a rough sketch of my vision and video of how it should work. Good luck, and do not fail me (He then floats away).
Psychobos: Shall we? (He and the Unknown Individual get to work at an abandoned research facility the Ghosts provided).
Many days later they come out with a Knock Off Omnitrix.
???: Try it on. It should (now croaking) woooork.
Ghost King: Very well. Here goes nothing (Ghost King places the watch onto his wrist and scrolls through the playlist). How many aliens are there exactly?
Psychobos: 100. And I use the term loosely-.
???: Since you lost track!
Psychobos: SILENCE! You can add more by using the scan feature Myself this Utrom implanted.
???: Unlike Galvan Omnitrixes yours has DNA containers built within. Once a DNA sample is inside it`s there forev(croaking a little)er. And you`ll never run out of space!
Ghost King: If I need anything else I`ll just look for you two and hire you again. Deal? (Both nod) excellent. Wish me luck!
Ghost King gulps, then twists the dial around nervously. He finds an alien he likes and gently but slowly presses on the face of the watch. And then a bright light enveloped him. He is now the same species as Ssserpent.
Ghost King/Ssserpent`s species transformation: Ugh. Did it work? (He notices his hands look like eyeless snakes) GIVE ME A MIRROR! (One of his Ghosts obeys) Yesss. It did! Well worth the money I`d sssay. How about ssseven gold bars each?
Psychobos and ???: Deal! (They recieve their pay)
???: I`m surprised you chose an Arcturian for your first Transformation.
Ssserpent Transformation: If I need you again I`ll put another encrypted ad up-
Psychobos: Or you can press that button on the side to contact us. By the way I am Dr. Psychobos. I don`t know if you got that since we were busy working.
???: And I am Krang.
Ssserpent Transformation: Nice meeting you.
Psychobos: Oh, one more thing. Tennyson names his transformations.
Ssserpent Transformation: Tennyson? Ah that`s the shapeshifter`s name. Very well so will I. From now on this form will be known as...SssERPENTINE!
Ghost KIng/Serpentine, Dr. Psychobos and Krang laugh evilly. Then the scene fades to darkness.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Dr. Psychobos and Krang create a Knock Off Omnitrix for Ghost King in exchange for 7 gold bars each.
- Ghost King receives a Knock Off Omnitrix.
- Ghost King`s first transformation is an Arcturan he calls Serpentine.
Minor Events[]
- Ghost King summons some minions to aid him.
- Ssserpent`s species is revealed.
- Ben Tennyson
- Ghost King
- Ghost #1, 2 and 3
- Giant Ghost
- Dr. Psychobos
- Krang
Aliens Used[]
By Ben:
- Jetray
By Ghost King:[]
- Serpentine
- Krang is a TMNT villain.
- The Ghosts` numbers aren`t their names. They are their classification, #1 for example is the bedsheet type ghost.
- Ssserpent`s species are known as Arcturians.