Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Ghidorahs are mythological beings that live in space who have a big family tree.


Ghidorahs are giant, celestial beings that can come in black, gold and blue scales, they have two tails, four or two legs and humongous wings.

There most notable feature are their three heads.


Long ago, Empress Ghidorah, the very first Ghidorah, travelled through space to find a mate, atlast, she found Emperor Ghidorah, a giant brute, and in Empress Ghidorah's eyes, handsome.

The Alien X of Planet X tried to kill the beasts, but the three-headed monsters were too powerful.

Atlast, the Emperor and Empress were defeated, but the win didn't last for long, as the Alien X didn't know that the Ghidorah's offspring Grand King Ghidorah and Desghidorah were born and killing every single Alien X on the planet, and then the fear of Ghidorahs were born.


Ghidorah are known for their signature lightning breath which they use to kill their prey.

They can also make electric tornados when they flap their wings so hard

They are also pro flyers, catching up to prey if they escape at will.


Ghidorahs don't really have a weakness

Notable Members[]


  • Ghidorahs usually battle witht the other species of Planet X, the Gigans.