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Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 33 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous The Greatest Gameshow |
Next Every Alien Has a Use |
Ben, Gwen, Kevin and Rook were in a debriefing room Max entered.
Max: Ok team, let`s talk. Over the past few months it`s not just been aliens and humans we`ve been fighting. Times are changing.
He pulls up slides of Ghost King and his goons, Nightmare King, Jersey Devil and a horde of demons, Mothman, Boogieman from one of Jimmy`s drawings and other paranormal entities.
Max: Luckily for us the Plumbers have dealt with such threats before when they started out. I think it`s time we went back to our roots.
Theme song!
Ben: All do respect Grandpa, We`ve been doing fine so far.
Max: So far. Someday they might get tougher to stop. We should have contingency plans in case.
Rook: It is true, if the Ghost King can adapt to modern times so could the others. Theoretically.
Ben: I don`t think so. They don`t seem like it.
Kevin: I`m with Ben on this one, the others are too stupid.
Gwen: How do we know that? Just because some of them are animalistic doesn`t mean they couldn`t adapt.
Ben: Alright fine. What`s the plan?
Max reveals some case files from the founding fathers.
Max: We get to reading.
Before they can, alarms go off.
Rook: Jail break!
Ben: Or an invasion. Look!
He points to a ledge above them. Kyd Wykkyd stands above smirking at them before vanishing.
Gwen: Kyd Wykkyd? What`s he doing here?!
Ben: Nothing good. Let`s go!
They split up.
Rook: Show yourself and come along quietly.
He then turns to seek Kyd twirl his cape, slashing the readied Proto-Tool in half.
Rook: My Proto-Tool!
Kyd kicks him in the face before silently chuckling. He then slowly and silently makes his way over to some cells, travelling in the shadows if he can. He then stops outside of one before releasing the prisoner inside.
Prisoner 775: (Crawling out) Finally, I am free!
He glances at Kyd Wykkyd and freezes. Kyd signs that he won`t hurt him before moving on. 775 then chuckles before camouflaging.
Patelliday: Prisoner 775 is loose!
Max: All Plumbers on high alert. A Meta Human going by the name Kyd Wykkyd has infiltrated base and is freeing prisoners. Merlinsapien prisoner 775, real name Spionage is loose. Be on the offense and defense.
Kyd hears this and smirks to himself. He then releases a few other prisoners.
Patelliday: All Plumbers alert! Gar Skuther, Myukus and Spionage are loose!
Spionage then drops down from the ceiling, pouncing on Bryk and Morty. A rampaging cycloptic alien then charges down the hallway and knocks down I.M. Werfzel, Molly Gunther and Jerry.
???: Mean Plumbers imprison Myukus, Myukus smash mean Plumbers!
A tiny, weak looking alien inside a protective suit crawls his way over.
Gar Skuther: Quiet you simpleton! Do you want us caught!?
Myukus grunts then stomps away. Kyd then lets Gullet and Sploot go next before moving further into the Plumber`s holding cell wing. He`s not just letting anyone go, these are all planned attacks.
Ben: It`s hero time!
Spionage: Tennyson! Now you will pay for the deaths of my family! If only you let me kill Rozum!
He camouflages, Myukus roars and charges alongside Gullet. Ben turns into Echo Echo and sonic shrieks. Spionage drops down, dazed. Myukus, Gullet and Sploot cover their non-existent ears in pain. Gar Skuther then fires his mech suit`s claws at Echo Echo and slams the Omnitrix, turning him back.
Ben: Uh, can`t we talk this out fellas?
Myukus cracks his knuckles. Sploot then goes flat and sludges behind Ben, grabbing him and holding the hero still.
Myukus: Myukus SMASH Ben Tennyson!
Spionage: Not before I impale him!
Gullet: Not before I pound him!
Gar Skuther: Not before I experiment on him and turn him into an abomination!
The others stop arguing.
Spionage: Works for me,
Myukus: Myukus like the sound of that.
Gar Skuther: To the nearest laboratory!
Myukus snatches Ben from Sploot and carries him under his arm. Suddenly a blast of mana hits Myukus, freeing Ben.
Gwen: Ok, back into your cells.
Kevin: Or stay and fight, that`ll make my night.
Gar Skuther: I`m more of a leader, not a doer. You lads handle them, come along Myukus. Grab Tennyson and let`s go.
Myukus obeys and both head off, Spionage cackles before blending in, Sploot and Gullet charge.
Meanwhile, Kyd Wykkyd has finally found what he`s looking for. He slashes open a crate with his cape and takes out a relic resembling a Mandala. He places it down, and it glows. Ghost King steps out.
Ghost King: Excellent work my friend. Now, shall we?
Kyd nods as both continue their mission. They then grab something and leave.
Ghost King: Goodbye Plumbers. See ya next slime!
Both teleport away.
Gar Skuther has strapped Ben to a table, he prepares to experiment on him. Suddenly Rook comes in followed by Max.
Max: Gar Skuther! Put your clawed hands up!
Gar Skuther: Myukus, be a good assistant?
Myukus roars and charges, but Rook uses Rhevonna-Kai and knocks him down. Gar Skuther then steps away and raises his arms to surrender. Gwen and Kevin have subdued Spionage, Gullet and Sploot.
Gwen: Everyone is rounded up. I think.
Ben: But what did Kyd Wykkyd want?
We cut to Ghost King`s lair. Ghost King and Kyd gently prop up a scepter.
Ghost King: Thanks Kyd, get some rest. Tomorrow we free our little "distractions" for real, their initiation was successful I`d think.
Kyd nods and walks away. Ghost King sits and looks at the Scepter.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Kyd Wykkyd breaks into Plumber HQ and causes mayhem as a distraction, however it`s revealed this was an initiation test of some sort.
Minor Events[]
- Prisoner 775`s name is finally revealed.
- Ben Tennyson
- Gwen Tennyson
- Kevin Levin
- Rook Blonko
- Max Tennyson
- Patelliday
- Brik
- Morty
- I.M. Werfzul
- Molly Gunther
- Jerry
- Kyd Wykkyd
- Ghost King
- Spionage
- Myukus
- Gar Skuther
- Gullet
- Sploot
Aliens Used[]
- Echo Echo
- Gar Skuther comes from Spore Creatures, and Myukus comes from Rampage.
- Spionage gets his name from Alanomaly.