In human terms, Javert is Caucasian, with no facial hair. He has brown hair with green eyes.
He wears a gladiator/emperor like outfit similar to what emperors/gladiators wore in Rome. He also has a badge, decorations, etc. He wears a belt with a sword case.
General Javert is similar to his brother. He is a greedy, sinster yet intelligent and cruel general on Klingvonia.When the Black Knight arrives, he gains a sense of fear and anger that someone is challenging his order. While he is confident and the people fear him, he fears his brother's wrath. Even though they are siblings, Javert is always one level lower then Darzon. Like his brother, he thinks the structures in his order that he's made can't fall. However, that proves to be his downfall.
While he hasn't trained, General Javert has a good amount of strength that makes him strong enough to fight Charles.
His Sword
A Klingon/Transyilan sword with the power to send shockwaves, cut thru numerous metals, etc.
Bomb Disk
A disk that can send an explosion out.
He owns a Klingon/Transyilan tank with the same firepower as a human tank
His rage
Javert's rage gets the better of him as it causes him to be overconfident.
The Capital - North City - South City - Raia City - The Village of Epiphany - The Village of Soran - The Soran Woods - Area 52 - North City Fortress - Charles Inc. - South Jazz Club - The Black Knight's Bunker Base - Lord Darzon's Mansion - Midpolis - The Capital Ship