Short for Galactic Defencive Command Overlord Base, the GDCOB is where Galactic Enforcer's discussions are done. Its is also known as GE Base to many lazy people who do not want to know the full name. It was formed 3 years ago when the Galactic Enforcers decided they needed a base to carry out operations rather than just a spacecraft. When Ben is 29, it will be given to him as his personal base of operations.
First Storey[]
The fancy lobby, which has a posh dining restaurant and receptionist.
Second Storey-100 Storey[]
Apartments available for $1000000 and rent is at $5000 a month.
101-120 Storey[]
Base of operations with the most ordinary of weaponry. Also housing for all writers of Ultra Ben.
121-129 Storey[]
The Galactic Enforcers private housing. Only 9 Galactic Enforcers needed.
130 Storey[]
The Null Void Projector and the best weapons a suit, a holo messager and a clip for the Ultimatrix X or other Omnimatrixes.