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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Fwhoosh! is the 10th episode of Omni-World.



Ditto (O-W) - Eyeguy (O-W) - Wildvine (O-W) - Ultimate Cannonbolt (O-W) - Dittie - Brainstorm (O-W)

Guest starring

Weakmind from Den -10

Previous episode

The Angry Tiger Next Door

Next episode

Revenge of Waterhazard


Ultimate Cannonbolt is sitting on the couch with a bag of chips. He's just sitting there as a stereotypical fat man, food papers, lights out and everything. Ditto walks in and sees Ultimate Cannonbolt.

(Ditto): Dude, what are you doing? Get up!

(UC): Uugghhhh....No, I'm watching Married with ChamAlien.

(Ditto): That's it, you're going to the gym.

(UC): Yeah right, so you can sit here and watch TV all day while I'm running my butt off.

(Ditto): Alright, we're all going!

At the gym...

(Weakmind): Alright, weaklings, you are all here because you are all fat.

(Ditto): Why are you our gym helper? You're so tiny. What kind of gym skills would you have?

(Weakmind): A smartypants, eh? Well, lemme show you how it's done!

So he runs around the room, mainly just in circles.

(Ditto): ...Ugh, I get it!

He sticks his leg out, which causes Weakmind to crash into the wall and splat like a bug.


(Everyone): YEAH!

We first see Dittie trying to lift weight on the bench, but she just can't get it to move.

(Dittie): Ugh, this thing is too heavy!

(Ditto): Lemme help you, sweets.

(Dittie): Ofcourse, my big hunk. Hehehe!

Ditto tries to move it, but it doesn't help. They then try it together, but still nothing. Ditto duplicates, and then tries it with his clones, but nothing works.

(Ditto): Argh, stupid thing!

Ditto kicks it, which sends him flying!


We now cut to Brainstorm trying to lift weight, but on a different machine with stones.

(Brainstorm): Hnnngggg.....

He's obviously failing.

(Brainstorm): Shut up, I can hear you!

He tries so hard that his arms fall off! He then just blasted the thing.

And now to Eyeguy running.

(Eyeguy): You know what, this isn't even half bad.

He then notices XLR8 next to him. He's looking challeging. Eyeguy starts running a little faster, but so does XLR8. They then both speedup extremely, until they both trip.

In the end, we see the whole gang before the gym tuckered out.

(Ditto): I don't think the gym was such a good idea.

(Wildvine): What are you talking about? This was great!

While mostly everybody is tired out, Wildvine is super buff. Ditto walks up to him, and shows his pointy finger.

(Wildvine): What are you going to do..?

He sticks it in his muscles, wich sends him flying!

(Wildvine): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............

(Ditto): I love a good ending.

