Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Fubuki Kanehara is the Heat Mutantrix user.


She was formerly a serial criminal who was gunned down while attempting to escape from Alcatraz Prison to avoid the death penalty. She is saved by DNAliens to heal her wounds and hire her. Fubuki hates the cold feeling of her wounded body, that's why she becomes Heatborg to swear revenge. She makes Tokyo's temperature extremely hot until she was defeated by Cyber Big Chill while Fridge saves the Ice Cream Guy's job.




Heat! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

Heatborg gained the ability to use the element of fire.

Being a highly-trained mercenary with DNAliens' enhancements, Fubuki is an extremely deadly warrior, capable of several superhuman feats. Evidently, Fubuki's combat skills are enough to match several soldiers in battle, with Shotaro himself only barely able to defend against her in a fight. Likewise, Fubuki is very skilled as a motorcyclist, matching Kentaro in a drag race.


Because she has not enough pyrokinesis, she was defeated by Big Chill until she concedes.
