Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Four Arms
General Information
Species Tetramand
Home World Khoros
Body Four-Armed Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Jumping
Sonic Clap
Shock Waves
Heat Resistance
Slime Spit (cold virus)
First Appearance Of Predator & Prey Part 1

Four Arms is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Tetramand from the planet Khoros.


He has his OV appearance but in Monster Musume anime style. The white lines on his belt are black.

Powers and Abilities[]

Has super strength.

He's very resistant.

He can create sound waves to clap his four hands.

Can jump several times his own size.


He isn't very agile and fast.

If catch a cold or sick, his strength is reduced.
