Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Four Arms
Four Arms (Ben Gwen 55)
General Information
Species Tetramand
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Jumping
Sonic Clap
Shock Waves


Four Arms is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Tetramand.


Four Arms wears a black tank top like shirt with an orange stripe in middle and black pants. He has an orange belt around his waist with white stripes, four black fingerless gloves with orange cuffs, a mustache, and four orange eyes.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Durability
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Enhanced Jumping
  • Sonic Clap
  • Shock Waves
  • Heat Resistance


Four Arms was already unlocked for Ben when he found the Omnitrix.

Four Arms was already unlocked for Gwen too when she received her Omnitrix.


  • Gwen doesn't like Four Arms so she rarely transforms into Four Arms.