This is the version of the Forever Twins, or the Twin Knights, that appears on Earth-68, the universe owned by Dioga beta. He appears in the John Smith 10 franchise and Ryder 10.
The Forever Twins appear serving Driscoll. They are some of the highest level officers left, and are loyal to the cause.
The Forever Twins serve Chadwick in this series, similar to the canon series.
Ryder 10
Secondary Enemies
Bounty Hunters (Kraab, Goyle, Sixsix, Sevenseven, Eighteight, Vreedle Brothers) | Vulkanus (Crabdozer) | Seebik | Psyphon's Gang | Dr. Animo | Zs'Skayr's Followers (Viktor, Yenaldooshi, Mummy | Dr. Psychobos | Road Crew (Baron Highway, Road Rage, Fistrick, Corvo) | Spark Plug | Esoterica | Lucubra | Incurseans (Milleous, Jorgen Von Strangle)
Omnitrix | Nemetrix | Ultimatrix