In John Smith 10, Red Ninja is human, and a Plumber. At the start of the Clone Wars, he is assigned to serve under Gwen Tennyson, along with Michael Morningstar. He is instantly loyal to Gwen, and is protective of her, especially around Michael, who attempts to charm her. He is the best fighter in her group.
Red Ninja fights in the battle against Sunny, and later against the Lepidopterran army. When Gwen recuses herself, and puts Michael in charge, Red Ninja is the only one not to listen, and manages to not get himself captured. He retrieves Gwen and helps her recover. When Gwen's army joins up with John and Kevin, he participates in a full battle against the Separatists. While trying to stop a bomb, Red Ninja is killed by Michael, draining his life away. Red Ninja carves Michael's initials into his gauntlet, to let Gwen know.
He is revived when the universe is destroyed, and saves Gwen and Charmcaster from Darkstar. They manage to defeat him, but he is sent back to the Underworld.