The Forever Knights, originally known as the Gynurans, were a centuries-old organization originally formed to tackle the Diagon, that later morphed into a radical anti-alien group, featuring in Back in Action: Alien Universe.
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- Main article: Sir George
Their name comes from the phrase the original Forever Knights - known as Gynurans, after founder Heng's mother Gynura - chanted before battle: "Gynurans forever, forever Gynurans."
Created by COLOR | |||
Alien Universe (BTAU - BiA - SiC) - Clad in Darkness - Benjection - DC's Hero of Heroes |
Unique Aliens in Back in Action: Alien Universe | |||
First used by Super Ben (Assault Omnitrix) | Obsorber - Nigester - Plastikitee - Anos - Streak - Bugbite - Muckslide - Autosassin - Ultimate Upchuck - Clinger - Healding - Alkamine - Brawnoceros - Combustiball - Cardstruct - Dreadsense - Frisbit - Koldiak - Plasmodic - Seismix - Wavelength - Warrock - Fetterwing - Suctionrupt | ||
Majestic Forms | TBD | ||
First used by Dawn (Alphaline Omnitrix) | Vertigo - Starhavoc - Slyt - Blankslate | ||
First used by Future Ben | Atomhammer - Ultimate Brainstorm |
Characters in Back in Action: Alien Universe | |||
10 Squad | Ben Tennyson - Gwen Tennyson - Kevin Levin - Julie Yamamoto - Chelsey Tennyson - Max Tennyson - Cooper Daniels - Ken | ||
Villains | Future Ben - Thep Khufan Commander - Scarogus - Dawn - Vilgax - Albedo - Malevolence - Darkstar - Sii - Elena Validus - Dr. Animo - Cyanne - Mistress - Hurricane Vance - Project Inferno - Nightcaster II - Clancy - Metalink | ||
Supporting Characters | Professor Paradox - Azmuth - Charmcaster - Eunice - Verdona - Rex - Sir George | ||
Other Timelines/Possible Futures | Gwen 20 - Upgrade Ben - Altrazon - Jennifer-Mercedes Tennyson | ||
Groups | Second Gynurans (Eli Griswold - Aion) - Omega Squad - Plumbers (Karin Frikton - Io) - Thep Khufan Armada - Board of Galvan | ||
Others | Chili - Moira Yourouguaduan |