"I am falling from the sky at a rapid pace, for I have shifted into a dense gold coin."
Flying Money is a transformation used by Ogrend Trolundi and the Ultimatrix's sample of a Capitalistic Avosian from Avosia.
Flying Money in his regular form resembles a stack of dollar bills held together by a band. The band has two white, feathered wings and several small, red eyes. The Ultimatrix symbol is on its left wing.
Flying Money can also take the form of various types of money, however it has no extra features in these forms.
Flying Money is first used against Flew in which they try to puncture him by turning into a bag of coins and falling.
Flying Money is used a second time in the final battle with Flew in which it sends a barrage of coins at him.
It is seen temporarily to transform into the ultimate version.
It is seen once more to transform into the ultimate version again.
Flying Money is used a third time to fly towards the egg and attempt to puncture it.
It is used a fourth time to transform into a coin to hide from the Highbreed. It is then used to lure a Highbreed called xx_racialprejudice21 into a jar as a tayden.
It is seen and not used a third time to transform into the ultimate version.
Flying Money is used a fifth time to fly towards, cut into and kill an alligator using the credit card and money bag forms.
Flying Money is used a sixth time to fly towards fish and malware before sneaking up on them with the coin form and cutting Fish (as Asterophora)'s roots as the credit card form.
Flying Money is used a seventh and last time to pierce the ozone layer in an attempt to chase after Tuuga's ship.
Powers and Abilities[]
Flying Money can fly (no shit).
Flying Money can shapeshift into various forms of money. The current forms that have been shown are as follows:
- Gold coin
- Bag of coins
- Tayden
- Credit card
Flying Money gains various powers and abilities in his other forms. For instance, he becomes more durable as a gold coin and sharper as a credit card.
Flying Money's shapeshifting is often too limited to be effective against stronger objects / opponents.
Flying Money comes from the words flying and money, because it is money that flies. How is this actually not the most boring etymology for an alien?