Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
File:Neon 10 Floroot.jpg
General Information
Species Dryad
Home World Earth
Body Humanoid Plant
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Nutrient Absorption
Nutrient Extraction
Vine Generation
First Appearance TBA

Floroot is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Dryad from the planet Earth.


Floroot looks like a young humanoid girl with wooden arms and legs. She uses leaves and vines around her body in order to hide her nudity. Her hair seems to be made of leaves. She has green eyes and orange markings next to her eyes.

When she has proper nutrients her true form is that of a buxom adult female of average height.

She wears the Omnitrix symbol on her left knee.

Powers & Abilities[]

Her main ability is to control plants.

She can generate vines that are used to grab and restrain her opponents.

She is knowledgeable on all of the matters in nature around her, such as where certain plants grow.

As she's half plant, her basic sustenance is water and nutrients from the ground. By placing her roots into the ground, she can absorb the nutrients.

If required, it is possible for her to extract the nutrients she has absorbed by sucking on special zones on her body.


She's weak against fire and extremely low temperatures.

She can go berserk if she absorbs chemicals.


  • Alraune
  • Mandragora