This is the version of Fistina that appears on Earth-68 , the universe owned by Dioga beta . She appears in John Smith 10: Final Fantasy , the John Smith 10 franchise, Ryder 10 , Argit 10 , Jane Smith 10 and Omnimania .
Fistina makes a cameo escaping from the Gold Saucer prison.
Fistina appears in several alternate dimensions, in Ahmad 15's, Rex Forte's and Ben 10's. She first appears robbing a jewelry store, working on her own.
Fistina works for Psyphon . He is captured by the SACT, but freed by Psyphon.
Dimension 216 (Argit 10 ) [ ]
Fistina used to work for Psyphon, before Argit turns the gang against Psyphon. She becomes part of Argit's private security team.
Fistina works for Psyphon, distributing the shakedown machines. He's arrested with Psyphon and the others.
Ryder 10
Secondary Enemies
Bounty Hunters (Kraab , Goyle , Sixsix , Sevenseven , Eighteight , Vreedle Brothers ) | Vulkanus (Crabdozer ) | Seebik | Psyphon's Gang | Dr. Animo | Zs'Skayr's Followers (Viktor , Yenaldooshi , Mummy | Dr. Psychobos | Road Crew (Baron Highway , Road Rage, Fistrick , Corvo ) | Spark Plug | Esoterica | Lucubra | Incurseans (Milleous , Jorgen Von Strangle )
Omnitrix | Nemetrix | Ultimatrix
Omnitrix (Ben, Megaman) | Prototype Omnitrix (Ryder, Jane, GIR, Looney John) | Dueltrix (Yami) | Mutatrix (John) | Nemetrix (Nails, Zed) | Ultimatrix (Albedo)