Ben 10: Forces United | |
Season 3, Episode 60 | |
Air date | 10/21/14 |
Written by | Armodrillo23 |
Directed by | Armodrillo23 |
Episode Guide | |
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A Giant Creature calling Itself Iblis is Born after a Vulcano Erupts and Attacks Hawaii at the same Time when Doomsday Attacks. -->
Major Events[]
- Ben
- Superman
- Iblis
- Doomsday
- Fire Salamanders
Aliens Used[]
- Astrodactyl
- Ripjaws
- Cannonbolt
- Ultimate Cannonbolt
- Buzzshock
- Chromastone
- Echowolf
- Articguana
- Ultimate Articguana
- Water Hazard
- Four Arms