Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Feedback (Earth-123)
General Information
Species Conductoid
Home Planet Teslavorr
Body Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Electrokinesis

Energy Absorption
Energy Redirection
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Jumping
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Speed (on electrical lines)
Flight (via Propulsion)
Energy Balls
Elastic Antenna Tentacles


Feedback is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Conductoid.


Feedback is a humanoid alien with black skin. He has an orange shirt, one orange eye, and gold battery bolts on his shoulders, arms, and hips. He has two antennas, a tail, and four fingers on each hand with plug-like tips.

Powers and Abilities[]

Feedback has the ability to absorb energy and redirect it. He absorbs the energy through the conductors on his fingers, antenna, and tail.

Feedback can store his energy and use it for more powerful punches.

Feedback is able to run at high speeds on electrical lines.

Feedback can fly by projecting his energy behind him.

By joining his fingers, Feedback can create powerful energy balls.

Feedback can stretch his antennas and tail for more range.


If Feedback does not absorb any energy for a while, he will be powerless.


Ben unlocked Feedback when he was 13.

Gwen unlocked Feedback when she was 17.
