Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

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General Information
Series Ben 10: Haunted
Season 1
Episode Number 87
Written by Ghost King001
Directed by Ghost King001
Episode Guide
Previous episode Hedgehog Mania
Next episode The Devil To Pay


The scene picks up from the final episode, Ben has tied up all the inhabitants of the Technodrome and made sure Ghost King's Omnitrix can't be accessed by an odd yet familiar device. Soon, the criminals began to wake up from their defeats,

Ben: Oh good, you're awake. I've called the Plumbers to come and arrest you. Either that, or banish all of you to the Null Void or Incarceron. We'll see. I'm personally hoping for the Null Void.

They grew visibly angry and tried to break free from their restraints.

Ben: Don't bother. That's made of the same material as your unicycle robot thingies-

Krang: Roadkill Rodneys.

Ben: Whatever. Sit tight, enjoy what's left of your freedom.

He then snickered a bit and left the room, leaving the others to themselves.

Theme song!

Gizmo: That snot munching creep! I can't believe he did this to us!

Shredder snarled and tried to cut through the restraints with his blades...but of course Ben had removed them before tying him up.

Shredder: That boy is starting to make me miss those blasted turtles!

Krang: You can say that ag(croaking)ain.

Jinx: My magic is no good. I think...I think we're actually going to lose all together this time.

The room got silent, minus the hum of the technology and Baxter's buzzing.

Seemore: So...what do we do now? None of us can use our powers or gadgets.

Krang sighed, he didn't have the answer. Ghost King was just cursing Ben under his breath while trying to reach his watch.

Jinx: Well, since we're tied up was that other universe, Ghosty?

Ghost King: It wasn't the one we looked at...but it was still a great environment. I allied with that universe's main villain before his enemies and Ben beat me. I was so close to winning. On the bright side, I got at least two new DNA Samples for the Utromnitrix. Maybe more depending on-.

Bebop: Wait, hold up. Utromnitrix? Dat's what your watch is called?

Ghost King: It has been that name for awhile. I just never said it out loud because I didn't feel like it. But why does it matter now? Tennyson has us beat, for good this time so it seems. I hate that guy, he's so cocky. So full of himself. He thinks he's invincible! Why won't he just listen to me? Why won't he accept my help of trying to fix our universe?!

Gizmo: Who knows.

Suddenly the doors opened as Ben, Rook, Max and several Plumbers entered, holding the tied up criminals at gunpoint despite them currently not being a threat.

Rocksteady: Isn't 'dis a tad overkill?

Max: Shut up. Your reign of terror is finally over. Rook, you're in charge until Ben and I discuss their punishment.

They then walked away, leaving the group to be guarded.

Ghost King: Well, this sucks.

Rook: Be quiet, filthy criminals!

Suddenly, Ghost King noticed something near the trans-dimensional portal generator. It was a Mini-Scratch that somehow ended up on the Technodrome. He then got an idea.

Ghost King: Welp, you've finally got us. It's a shame the Robots and Rock Soldiers are going to ambush you any second now.

Krang: (In a whisper) What are you talking about? Traag and Granitor are-

He then noticed the Badnik in the corner and caught on.

Krang:-Certainly going to arrive any second with our full army. Including more Mutants, your Ghosts and others.

Rook froze, he bought the lie.

Rook: Search the Technodrome! This is an emergency!

The Plumbers scattered, Rook stayed behind and guarded them. Ghost King looked over to the Mini-Scratch and motioned him to come over and free them using his eyes.

Mini-Scratch: Are...are you my mother?

Rook: What was that!

Seemore: Er, one of Bebop and Rocksteady's toys. They're so dumb they're basically big kids.

Bebop: HEY!

Rocksteady: I take offense to 'dat!

The Mini-Scratch slowly crept over to the Roadkill Rodney's severed tentacle which had the felons restrained. He then looked over to Rook, who had spotted him. Rook aimed the Proto-Tool at the Badnik. Before he could fire, Mini-Scratch used his telescopic neck to headbutt the Revonnahgander and grab his Proto-Tool when he stumbled backwards.

Ghost King: Good work, Mini-Scratch! Now free us!

The Badnik nodded and switched the Proto-Tool to a saw mode and cut their restraints. The villains got loose and looked furiously towards the door right as Ben and Max returned.

Max: No! Stop them!

Krang rushed over to a work station and inserted a growth chip into his Mandroid's arm, Jinx's eyes and hands glowed pink, Shredder reclaimed his trademark blades and the others grabbed whatever they needed. Ghost King fiddled with the Omnitrix Inhibitor on his Utromnitrix, trying to join the fight as soon as he could. Ben turns into Echo Echo before multiplying and turning into other aliens.

Echo Echo: Let's get them!

Humungousaur rushed Krang and grew to his height, locking his hands over the Mandroid's fists.

Max: Ben, wait! This is dangerous, it's not worth it!

Echo Echo looked over and sonic screeched at Max and Rook, blasting them out of the room to protect them from harm. Seemore used his eye beams against Eye Guy as the two were locked in battle. Billy Numerous was seen trying to out copy Ditto while Somnambulizard put Mammoth and the Punks under a trance. Ghost King kept trying to bypass the code on his inhibitor, unaware Ghostfreak was about to strike him. The lone Mini-Scratch then jumped up in a protective manner.

Mini-Scratch: NOOOOOO!

Ghostfreak slashed at the Mini-Scratch, leaving it mortally wounded and malfunctioning. Sparks flew out from it's broken body as it landed on Somnambulizard, making him try to put out the pain and causing him to lose his hold over the majority of the rogues he entranced. Rocksteady snarled and charged, ramming him into a wall and pinning him there.

Ghost King: saved me.

Mini-Scratch coughed a bit, his eyes grew dim as he looked at Ghost King with a weak smile before de-activating. Ghost King gently laid him down and gave a small salute before looking over at Echo Echo battling Scrag and snarling at his nemesis. He then noticed an Eggman Empire insignia on the inhibitor and grinned a bit, since he knew the shut down code now. He typed in the password as the inhibitor simply unlocked and fell off his arm.

Ghost King: Hey Ben, you just killed a child.

All the Bens stopped and looked over at Mini-Scratch.

Echo Echo: So what? He was a robot, and a villain-.

Ghost King: How could you say that about an innocent, confused child? He has DNA, you idiot...he may not have been organic, but he was alive!

The Bens froze as the impact of this realization took ahold of them.

Ghost King: Don't believe me?

He then turns into his DNA sample of Scratch, Chicken Tenderizer.

Chicken Tenderizer: How about NOW? How do you think I have these Badniks in my Omnitrix?

Chicken Tenderizer then used his telescopic neck to headbutt Echo Echo, causing him to turn back. Krang took the distraction to use a device he made specially to counteract Ben's Omnitrix. He deactivated the Clone Ben's Omnitrixes, causing them to cease existing. Chicken Tenderizer grabbed Ben by the shirt and glared at him.

Chicken Tenderizer: I may be on the wrong side of the law, but at least I don't do what you just did blindly. You should know some robots are alive, you have Chronosapiens in your watch you absolute ninny!

Ben cried a bit.

Ben: I-I didn't mean to...I didn't know.

Suddenly the sirens of the Technodrome began blaring, the trans-dimensional portal generator was damaged during the fight and was malfunctioning.

Krang: Why am I not surprised?

He ran over to try and fix it. The others panicked, trying to escape or fix the Technodrome. Ghost King turns back, having proven his point. He looked over at Ben and slapped him across the face to snap him out of his breakdown.

Ghost King: You want to make it up to that Mini-Scratch? Listen to me well. Your constant use of Alien X and bending reality has weakened this universe's stability and made it crumble. It's very weak...but there's still time to save it. So get out of my sight...and save our home!

He turns into his version of Portaler and forced Ben outside via a portal, safely. He then did this as well to the other Plumbers and his friends. He thought for a moment and turned back, he was out of time...and he simply accepted it. The Technodrome was then sucked into a multiversal portal and sent to another universe, but the feedback of the portal grabbed onto the Foot Clan, sending them back home to Dimension X, leaving the H.I.V.E and the Plumbers alone where the mobile fortress once stood.


Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Ghost King, the Foot Clan and the Technodrome are lost to the Multiverse.
  • Ghost King's Knock Off Omnitrix's name is finally said out loud in this episode, being called as the Utromnitrix.

Minor Events[]

  • A lone Mini-Scratch that was somehow on the Technodrome sacrifices himself to save Ghost King from Ben. This causes Ben to re-evaluate his recent actions and behavior.


  • Ghost King
  • Lone Mini-Scratch (deactivated from extreme damage)
  • Max Tennyson
  • Rook Blonko
  • Plumbers (non-speaking)


  • Ben Tennyson (unintentionally)
  • Krang
  • Shredder
  • Bebop
  • Rocksteady
  • Scrag (non-speaking)
  • Grunt (non-speaking)
  • Dopey (non-speaking)
  • Dumbo (non-speaking)
  • Baxter Stockman (non-speaking)
  • Roadkill Rodneys (destroyed)
  • Jinx
  • Gizmo
  • Mammoth (non-speaking)
  • Seemore
  • Billy Numerous (non-speaking)

Aliens Used[]

By Ben:[]

  • Echo Echo
  • Humungousaur
  • Eye guy
  • Ditto
  • Somnambulizard
  • Ghostfreak

By Ghost King:[]

  • Chicken Tenderizer
  • Utromnitrix's Portaler



  • It's possible Mini-Scratch can be revived if he's repaired correctly due to him being a mechanical being. But since Ghost King didn't spend much time on Mobius it will certainly take him awhile to figure out how to try and fix the Badnik.
  • It is currently unknown by the Plumbers where Ghost King and the Technodrome are stranded.
  • The title of the episode references the Foot Clan's defeat, since they won't be back for a long time.
  • Mini-Scratch was included as a way to convince the stubborn Ben to listen to Ghost King's warning. Offscreen, he was on the Technodrome because his egg rolled into Warp's time-space portal without anyone noticing. He hatched at some point without detection during the opening, where instincts told him to look for a master to give him orders. He sensed Chicken Tenderizer (and to a lesser extent RoBadnik) within the Utromnitrix and imprinted on Ghost King.