Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"Epic fun cool moment full of laughter. Enjoy."

Fabricator is a transformation used by Ogrend Trolundi and the Flumpyflix's sample of a Weavwahk.


Fabricator's actual body resembles a grey, metal disc with a ball, two pipes, and a CD player sized tube. The Flumpyflix symbol is on its metal ball.

Fabricator's false body typically has red, carpet-like skin. It can take any form, but usually resembles a sort of humanoid shape with a round torso, stubby head, long cartoony arms with three fingers, and two small legs. It also has two eyes on the head, however these eyes could theoretically be anywhere on its body.


Fabricator is first used to fight the Goopulator after being randomly unlocked in which Ogre is still trying to figure out how it works.

Fabricator is used a second and last time to grind up and absorb Terry in his little tube.

Powers and Abilities[]

Fabricator can insert and absorb materials into itself which it can then turn into parts of its false body depending on how much it puts in.

Fabricator can produce a near infinite supply of silk to build its base body out of without outside matter.

Fabricator can shape its false body into various forms.

Fabricator is able to regenerate its false body.

Fabricator's false body is elastic and stretchy.


Fabricator's fabric is incredibly flammable.

Fabricator is not very durable and, if damaged, cannot produce more fabric.


Fabricator comes from the words "fabric" and "fabricate", due to their ability to produce, aka fabricate, fabric.


  • Fabricator is based off of a very old alien never posted to the internet under the same name. The powers have stayed the same since the last latest concept (which was a few years ago) however the old design was much more humanoid.
  • In case it wasn't obvious, Fabricator is NOT the fabric and is instead the robotic disc.
Trixters Aliens
Fly Akhuhoth | B.A.N.G. | Bee | Beer Float | Bellend | Ben Santa | Ben Sigma | Ben Woke | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Bleedgore | Boar Galore | Cfoolu | Clam-Cannon | Clippy | Dishcleaner | Drumz | epictuskski | Evil Killy Boy | Finfant | Flightyear | Fly Guy | Flyer | Frederickson | Glorben | Gobblegun | Homunculus | horse walks in | I'm Getting My Piece Of The Pie | I'M GONNA DIE | Longnose | Man | Monkey Rub Together for Static Electricity | Orange | Orangutan | Overround | Pologre | Porridge | Prism | Pyrogre | Rattical | Retro Bro | Salmonai | Shmumbus | Sputter | the brick | The Freakster | The Wurst | True Englutenment | Useless Bug | Vincent | Walkatrout | Western Corn Rootworm | Whatever | X | Zeus
Ogre Abraham Lincoln | All my Buddies | Ben Acquaintance | Ben Santa | Ben Woke | Billblegum | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Camel | Clam-Cannon | Clavi Gnat | cur.sys | DJ P1MPL3 P0PP3R | Dutto | Extension Cord | Fabricator | Fast-Rack | Fishneck | Flying Money | Golden Fretty | Glorben | Green Boy | Gus | Ismail | Jo Trout | Marco | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Parry the Platypus | Porridgemungousaur | PowerCow | Quark Fella | Ragdoll | Rowboat | Ruseter | Scorpion | SlugSlug | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | Turtatoll
Fish 2Daniel | Asterophora | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Jitterbug | Fishflakes | Onion | Pompaw | Rook, Line, N' Tinker | Scapegoat | Speedawn | Sputter Annihilator | Starlight Starbright | Zimglops
Roach Carboneetle | Cruttnacker | Jabberwocky | Pinuncian | Snake Oil Snailsman
P03 Clavi Gnat | Flying Meatball | Ismail | Porridge God | The Evil Computer
The Nut Bleebo | cork walks in
Ultimates All my Buddies | Ben Woke | Camel | Flying Money | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Porridge | Porridgemungousaur | Rowboat | Scorpion | Sputter | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | True Englutenment
Englutenments Battle | Endorphin Fiend | Haywire | Omni-Enhanced | Omni-Kix | Omni-Launch | Omni-Metallic | Omni-Naut | Omni-Plasm | Out of the Omnitrix | Sput Englutenment | True Englutenboy | True Englutenment | Ultimate
Dream Aliens Gus | Heartwarming | M | Spungousaur
Other Burger Boy | Goop | Gorilla | Orangutan
Non-Canon Orgorgon | Plot Armour | Rattical | Snailien