Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Fabled Rebellion is a series created by Redroesto, currently still in the progress of being made.

Series Inspirations[]

The main inspirations for Fabled Rebellion were mainly from Redroesto's desire to do a story set in Mad Ben's Dimension, having noticed a lack of stories focusing on any of the alternate Bens besides the ever-popular Ben 23 and the fan-favorite Gwen 10. The idea expanded over a few weeks, resulting in more original concepts being added in. Redroesto also took inspiration from the anime Gurren Lagann, which will be more prevalent later on.

To prepare for the task at hand, Redroesto was supposed to read the more popular series on the Wiki. He started off by binging the entirety of the DoB10 Trilogy, but he got addicted to The Alan 10 Adventures and still has yet to read anything else.

Plot Synopsis[]

Taking place in the Dimension of Earth-2037, Fabled Rebellion is the story of a villainous group of alien's oppressive rule over Earth is threatened by a spark of hope in the form of a young man, Kentaro Fabled. Kentaro will carve the path for humanity, wielding a powerful device known as the Model-X, he spirals through obstacles in his quest for a resurgence.


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]




Season 1 (10-12 Episodes)[]

  1. Fabled Beginnings



Original Ten[]


  • This series is meant to be an improvement to Redroesto's other series, also borrowing elements that were planned for those.
  • The aliens' designs in Fabled Rebellion are meant to look... Well, alien, when compared to other aliens from around the site. Mostly because of their (comparatively) strange choice of clothing.