The FX-21 Plasma Rifle is a gun in Tony Slash: Omni-Adventures that was used by plumbers to fight and press order to the milky way galaxy.
The FX-21 Plasma rifle is a purple rifle looking gun. It is long, just like a rifle. That's all that I could describe. It also appears as a rifle from Halo. (Maybe it is...)
This rifle was a special prototype from the US Government. The US Army and other US forces weren't able to test or use these in military affairs. After the rifle was properly tested, they handed it over to the Plumbers for use.
This is the standard weapon for the Plumbers to use. Tony gets use of the gun on the battle field, even with a new set of armor.
It holds up to 30 plasma bullets and can fire up to as much in about 10 seconds. The standard amount a soldier can hold up to in cartridges is 5 cartridges.
It has a semi-automatic firing mode.
It also has full automatic firing.
- Tony, Your Training Begins Now
- According to user, Slashthehedgehog95
- User Master provided him with some name ideas.
- Well technically Slash came up with the name Master thought it was a cool name.
- User Master provided him with some name ideas.