Explosions is the third episode of The Mansion.
In the town, something keeps exploding, and no one appears to understand what is the cause.
[something under the roads on scene explodes]
Evfnye Misx as KrakkIn: Interesting.
[as he is by his computer, hacking various sources]
KrakkIn: I feel such a boost in my memory.
[proceeds hacking]
KrakkIn: Ok, I got control over the camera of a plantent explosive... under the police office?!
[zooms in, changes camera up. Sees a sergeant sitting on his duty.]
KrakkIn: Oh no! How do I warn him? Hey, I can zoom in [does what he said] and his name is... W. Makron. Must be Polish. Phone number...
[hacks some databases on social media, finds out the sergeant's phone number]
KrakkIn: There it is!
[starts audio call, hiding his phone number and face]
KrakkIn: Sergeant Makron! Don't ask my identity, nor why I know your phone number. I am calling to advise you to check the room below yours. You will most probably find a bomb which shall be deactivated.
Sergeant Makron: Is this a prank? No one has been caught planting bombs here-
[on KrakkIn's side of the phone, Makron keeps speaking inaudibly]
KrakkIn: Believe me, this is not a prank. I insist on you checking the room below, Sergeant.
Makron: [stops to think] Fine. I warn you that if this is a pointless prank, I will do anything to find your residence.
[goes down, sees a planted bomb that looks like it's about to detonate]
Makron: No! [rushes to the bomb, deactivates it in some seconds] Whoever planted that bomb... is now wanted.
KrakkIn: [looking via camera] Phew...
[reverts to Evfnye, while the scene changes]
Makron: [holding microphone] To all the police department, bombs have been foundplanted in various underground locations. We shall begin research and deactivate any explosive that poses a threat to the town. [another, female member of the local police uses a loudspeaker to communicate with the town]
Unidentified police woman: [through speaker] Attention citizens of all our town! it is required for everyone to hide in bunkers. Explosives are been found all over our region. This is a temporal requirement for your safety.
Evfnye: Well, my job seems done.
[goes into bunker]
Evfnye: I think I'm safe or...
[sees a bomb inside his bunker, seemingly undetonated and with much time left]
Evfnye: Shizs.
[starts running outside, in fear of the bomb exploding]
Evfnye: Now would be a good time for Dragonforce!
[as he rotates the Incomplete Omnitrix, he presses Dragonforce's silohuette, but ends up turning into EyEgle instead]
EyEgle: [eagle sound] Even better!
[takes off land, just after the bomb starts detonating]
EyEgle: Well, my bunker will be surely messed up!
[raises eyeballs]
EyEgle: So what now? Do I need to find where all this comes from?
[feels that he is timing out]
EyEgle: Oh no!
[rushes to surface, times out]
Evfnye: Now what? Something could explode at any moment, and I'm here!
[overhears voice]
Unknown: Dumb cowards! This bomb thing is a scam! They want us to stay home at all costs, F[bleep]k the police!
[Evfnye looks outside the narrow street, sees Black Ram]
Black Ram: Hey what's there?
Evfnye: Well, he noticed me.
Black Ram: Wait... Misx! I know it's you! You're out so you'll be blown by a bomb, looking for suicide?
Evfnye: You want to be blown by a bomb because you've never been blown by a female, huh Randy?
[Black Ram enrages and attempts to punch Evfnye, as the latter dodges, he hears a bomb detonating]
Black Ram: Well shit,
[Evfnye turns into boost Rider and manages to save both of them]
Black Ram: [terrified, speaking to Boost Rider] What the hell, a giant scorpion? Why is this day so trash?
Boost Rider: Shut up, egghead! Get out of here and hide somewhere, but get the hell out of my sight!
[Black Ram slowly walks away, then running as fast as possible]
Boost Rider: Whoever is blowing up these bunkers, I swear is in some serious trouble!
[creates energy wheels, starts searching for unexploded bombs]
Boost Rider: Can't you be quicker?
[sees a bomb which seems long time away from blowing up, approaches it and reads some digits]
Boost Rider: Now I know where it is!
[goes to an undefined location]
Boost Rider: Now there I go!
[rams wall of a building, then times out]
Unknown: Who are you?
Evfnye: You really want to know?
Unknown: Yes.
Evfnye: You blew up my bunker.
Unknown: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
[exits out of the shadow, reveals himself as a stereotypical evil scientist]
Evfnye: You keep blowing up the town, why would you even do that since you live here?
Scientist: And inside, there is my majestic plan!
[goes inside a separate room, which titles "Dr. Quotient's Stuff]
Evnfye: Ok, Quotient.
Dr. Quotient: You see this button?
[points at a yellow button]
Evfnye: Let me guess, this detonates all bombs at once?
Dr. Quotient: Well, not exactly.
[presses it, activates a trap which sends Evfnye into a flying net, then he is released into a cell room]
Dr. Quotient: You thought I would tell my plan to any bypasser? I'm not one of those dumb cinematic evil-doers who communicate their intention to anyone who would listen. And since you're there and know the location of my base, you will be melted by scorching lava!
Evfnye: Uhmm...
[Dr. Quotient presses another button, which is supposed to bring lava on top of the cell ceiling, but it doesn't work]
Dr. Quotient: Seriously? It has to recharge?
Evfnye: Now would be a really goot time to transform!
[transforms into Attactus]
Attactus: Strong Shell! Wait.
[uses his senses to percieve himself]
Attactus: Am I a sort of cactus?
Dr. Quotient: 50% already!
Attactus: QUick, what do I do? Can I break the cell with spikes?
[tries what he said, but to no avail]
Attactus: Well. How about?
[fires his spikes, inside the cell]
Attactus: Hey, I can fire the button there to stop everything! If I just saw where, I can't see without eyes!
[thinks for a second, hears voice inside the head]
Voice: Your eyes can decieve you, don't trust them!
Attactus: Use the senses.
[senses where to fire]
Dr. Quotient: 80%! 81! 82!
[Attactus aims and shoots a spike, getting into the correct button]
Attactus: Yes!
Dr. Quotient: Where did this cactus come from?
Attactus: Not any of your business!
[shoots inside the control panel to disintegrate the entire systems]
Attactus: See ya!
[Dr. Quotient catches Attactus and tries to fight him hand by hand, but he shoots a spike with sleeping gas, which renders Quotient unconscious]
Attactus: I said, SEE YA!
[runs away]
Attactus: Now, one last thing.
[scene changes, in it Evfnye sends messages to Makron telling him where to look]
Evfnye: Now that dude will be caught for well!
[looks at camera]
Evfnye: Or will he?
Noteworthy Events[]
- Dr. Quotient makes his debut.
- KrakkIn, Boost Rider and Attactus make their debuts.
- Evfnye Misx
- Sergeant Makron (first appearance)
- Black Ram
- Dr. Quotient (first appearance)
Aliens Used[]
- KrakkIn (first appearance)
- EyEgle (selected alien was Dragonforce)
- Boost Rider (first appearance)
- Attactus (first appearance, selected alien was Strong Shell)
- Dr. Quotient's hairstyle is very similar to that of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty.
- When Evfnye Misx breaks Dr. Quotient's entrance door, a remake of of a scene from Batman: Beyond is seen, but unlike in the original, "You killed my father" is replaced with "You blew up my bunker".
- Attactus, while being trapped in Quotient's cell room, heard a voice which told him the same things Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, not to trust his bare eyesight.