Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Season 1[]

Episode name Plot Number
It All Started Evfnye finds the 9th Omnitrix and gets superpowers.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Heatblast, Wildmutt

When you Steal Someone tries to steal an artifact from a museum.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Diamondhead

No Problem! Evfnye's life is an ellipsoid geometrical shape!

Omnitrix Alien Debut: XLR8

Science The Scientific Community made a shocking new discovery, but Evfnye knows something's wrong.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Grey Matter, Four Arms

Hidden Solution The Hologram is scaring the people in the town and there seems to be no way of fixing it. 5
Caught Evfnye falls in some killers' trap.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Stinkfly

Sky's the Limit Aliens actually do visit Earth, and our hero meets them. This wasn't supposed to happen! 7
Fight in the Bathroom Evfnye fights a Basilisk in the bathroom under his HQ, and finds a strange device.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Ripjaws

2040 Part 1: Past The Future Evfnye travels to the future and understands why time travel is dangerous.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Upgrade

2040 Part 2: Evfnye 10,000 Evfnye first meets his future self, who has a miriade of alien transformations. 10
Brain Power Evfnye upgrades Grey Matter to something that can fight. 11
The Secret of Black Magic Evfnye learns black magic and how it originated. It was better if it was white magic! 12
Memelord Evfnye gets 8-bited and now is trying to use memes to get normal again. 13
Needed When someone needs help, Evfnye's on the way! But that's a little exaggerated. 14
Gamma Ray Evfnye travels into near-Earth space and studies the Sun's radiation. 15
Do Not Answer Wrong The intellect of Evfnye is recognized to be higher that thought, but at the same time it's turned off. 16
The First Hero in History Evfnye travels to Mesopotamia due to a compass-like indication from the Omnitrix. 17
Random Glitching The Omnitrix starts glitching, and Evfnye tries to figure out why. A new alien appeared in the list...

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Utanapištim

The Spirit Part 1: Power Level Evfnye fights Capebolt's evil twin. 19
The Spirit Part 2: Shocked Our hero will finally know the truth... 20

Season 2[]

Episode name Plot Number
Key to the Powers Evfnye discovers a key on his Omnitrix to get even more superpowers.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Ghostfreak

Zombie Medicine A zombie virus is spreading, and it has to be stopped...

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Cannonbolt

Raising the Steaks A possible way to solve the world's hunger? 23
Man on the Moon It's been almost 50 years, and finally a man will get on the Moon again. Secretly. 24
Ecologic Fuel Evfnye solves even more problems.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Wildvine

Spiders Attack! Evfnye's ecologic fuel attracts customers... and spiders. 26
Snowman and Snow Global warming? Maybe it is all fake. Evfnye, however, is aware of the cause. 27
420 69420911666 is everything Evfnye needs to know. 28
Trap Battle, Part 1 Evfnye faces a Polymorph hunter, and fights the predators of his aliens.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Crabclaw

Trap Battle, Part 2 Evfnye finds the easiest way to defeat SupresLime.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Goop

Some Practice Two new aliens, and two more incognitos! 31
Never Gonna Give Up Evfnye. Is. Tough. But not enough, he thinks. 32
Hardbass Evfnye's aliens are powerful, but can they become RUSSIAN? 33
Just like the simulations Evfnye needs galactic training, so he travels to the Cosmic Academy, but everyting becomes real. 34
A Bright Future (non-canon) A bright future for Evfnye 10,000. 35
Dimension Jump Back to the main dimension, and a quick glimpse at the E-dimension. 36
Cosmic Brain Part 1: Crab Rave Ketu is in danger! His big-brain rival is jealous, and wants revenge. 37
Cosmic Brain Part 2: The Destruction Neuroticus is planning to destroy Ceres, but Evfnye comes on his way. 38
Cosmic Brain Part 3: Astrophysics Evfnye scans Neuroticus's DNA, getting a new alien.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Brainstorm

Cosmic Brain Part 4: Rewarded Evfney can't defeat Neuroticus alone. But he's not alone after all! 40

Season 3[]

Planetary Voyage Evfnye unlocks an alien that allows him to travel in space, and discover each of his alien's homeworld.

Omnitrix Alien Debut: Jetray
