Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"Yes, Etheria. Eternia's sister planet."
"But that doesn't make sense. Both planets were destroyed. Even Vilgax confirmed it."
"Vilgax confirmed that they weren't there, but it's not like he saw them being destroyed."

–Myaxx and Azmuth after triangulating the Ultimatrix signal

Etheria is a world of the A-B10's Saga. It is the homeworld of the of all Etherians.


The planet Etheria is surrounded by twelve moons, which provide it with natural light and magical energy. it is primarily divided into seven kingdoms, most of which are ruled by an Elemental Princess, magical beings who draw strength from their runestones. Different groups of people populate the planet, each with their own unique abilities, but the predominant race is the Humans. Etheria was a sister planet to Eternia, which was strongly implied to be in the same solar system.




Little is known about Etheria's history before its colonization, but it is certain that it has been inhabited by magically gifted people and animals since the dawn of time.

Eternians Arrival[]

At some point, the people of Eternia landed on Etheria and built enormous structures on the planet's surface, such as the Crystal Castle. The Eternians built many other structures across the planet, using them as building blocks to connect the entire world through its many interconnected technological systems. Subsequently, as Horde Prime's threat increased, the Eternians modified the Heart of Etheria.

Escape from the Universe[]

About a thousand years ago, the former She-Ra and Infinite, Mara and Aron, discovered that the Eternians were storing Etheria's magic in its core to transform the entire planet into an immense weapon. Following an unsuccessful revolt, Mara and Aron sacrificed themselves by transferring Etheria to the empty dimension of Despondos.

However, the planet continued to store magic in its core.

The Rise of the Horde[]

Centuries later, Hordak, a defective clone of Horde Prime, fell through a portal and he and his ship crash-landed in the lands of the future Fright Zone. Then a war began between his native peoples, namely the princesses and their subjects, with his Horde. This organization, similar to the original one, raises its recruits brutally and rather cult-like, and although Hordak is from another planet, all the recruits they work are native to Etheria.

A few decades later, Light Hope opened a portal to allow Hordak to momentarily return to Eternia. In a series of consequences, Hordak brought a baby Adora to Etheria, unaware that she would one day become the new She-Ra.

Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien[]

Season 1[]

Approximately seventeen years later, Light Hope opened another small portal to bring Ben Tennyson to Etheria to become the new Infinite and continue the Heart of Etheria project.

Season 2[]


Season 3[]

Etheria was nearly destroyed along with the rest of the universe when Catra activated Hordak's portal machine using the Sword of Protection and the Ultimatrix, which caused all of reality to collapse in on itself. The planet, and all of reality, was saved when Queen Angella sacrificed herself to remove the sword and the watch from the portal and return it to Adora and Ben.

Season 4[]


Season 5[]




Bright Moon Plumeria Salineas Dryl
Bright Moon Plumeria Salineas Dryl
Mystacor The Kingdom of Snows The Fright Zone
Mystacor The Kingdom of Snows The Fright Zone


Thaymor 1
Elberon Thaymor Alwyn Erelandia
Seaworthy Sea Elf Village
The Valley of the Lost Seaworthy Sea Elf Village

Other Locations[]

Beast Island The Crystal Castle (Present)
Beast Island Crimson Waste Crystal Castle
The Library (A-B10) The Northern Reach The Whispering Woods
The Library Northern Reach The Whispering Woods
Sea of Demons - Normal
Sea of Demons The Watchtower Crimson Waste Cantina

Known Inhabitants[]

Non-Native Species[]

Known Visitors[]


Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien[]

Etheria is the main setting of Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien, appearing in all episodes except Ritorna con la vendetta, Corridoi[1], Bloccati[1], and Salviamo la gatta[1]. Here's a list of all his appearances throughout the series: Adora & Ben 10: Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien/Episodes.


  • During her time in Despondos, Etheria was illuminated by its moons, which are magical, instead of by a sun.
  • Geographically, Etheria is located exactly at the opposite pole from Earth.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The episode title is provisional