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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Election Day is the fourth episode of Ben 54.

Ben 54
Season 1, Episode 4
Written by Steve
Directed by Steve
Episode Guide
The Great Heist
Inside the Void


The episode starts with the results of the 2012 Mayor Election...being announced.

(Announcer): And your new mayor is...Argit!

(Gwen): We're gonna kill him.

(Ben): We should do it right now.

Argit is seen in his new office.

(Argit): I love being the mayor! I should kill all of the humans!

Meanwhile with Ben....

(Ben): Argit's office is in Downtown Bellwood.

(Kevin): How do you know?

(Ben): I have been there. Come on!

Ben transforms into Quickster. Gwen and Kevin follow. Rook is watching them in a tree.

(Rook): Operation S.L.A.Y. is starting.

He said, as he aimed his gun at Ben. However, he notices Ben is gone.

(Rook): Dammit!

Rook fell off the tree. Back with Argit, he is seen ordering Techadon robots around.


The Techadons go outside and attack the humans. Argit laughs.

(Argit): This is too great! I SHALL ENSLAVE THE LAST HUMANS!

Ben and co. arrive at Argit's office.

(Ben): Here it is.

(Kevin): How do we get in?

(Ben): Simple, my dear Kevin.

He activated the Omnitrix and selected a Amperi. Ben transformed into Electopus.

(Electopus): Electopus!

(Gwen): Why do you call your aliens' names?

(Electopus): It strikes fair into my enemies.

A explosion is seen.

(Kevin): What was that?

Aggregor is seen murdering the guards at Kevin's ship. 

(Kevin): AGGREGOR!

Aggregor touches Kevin's chin, and he absorbs Kevin. Aggregor left.

(Electopus): Who was that?

(Kevin): Aggregor...

Argit is in his office when he gets a phone call.

(Argit): S'up?


Shots, and screams are heard. 

(Argit): QUIT THIS!

He fires quils. Rook is watching all of this.

(Rook): Hm...I'll snipe him!

Rook grabbed his Sniper Rifle, and he aimed it at Argit's head. He killed Argit with it. However, it is revealed to be a dummy.

(Rook): What?

Rook is hit by a bullet. Kundo is seen, pulling Rook away. Ben is trying to get into Argit's office, but is blocked a group of Techadons.

(Techadon Robots): Human detected. Must exterminate. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!

They tried to kill Ben.

(Ben): Gah!

He activated the Omnitrix and became a Rigggalinasen.


He breaks the Techadons and reverts.


Ben attempted to kill Gwen and Kevin. Kevin punches him.

(Kevin): Calm down, Tennyson! We gotta kill Argit!

(Ben): Oh yeah....DEATHDEATHDEATH!

Ben attempts to kill Kevin. But Kevin kicks him in the crouch.

(Kevin): Not me, Argit!

More Techadons arrive. Argit is controlling them.

(Argit): This is too great!

A bloody Steve falls out of a portal onto Argit.

(Steve): Ugh...

(Argit): HUMAN! KILL IT!

A army of Techadons tried to kill Steve, but he teleported away. Cyolgar transforms into Juggernaut, the predator of Lodestar, and he attacks Steve. 

(Steve): I hate my life...

Ben is seen climbing up City's Hall.


(Blukic): No, ya won't.

(Driba): Yes, he will!

(Ben): Ugh...I hate you too!

(Blukic and Driba): Same! JINX! YOU OWE ME A SODA!


(Ben, whispering): Note to self, kill Blukic and Driba after I kill Argit.

He climbs in through the window, leading to Argit's office. 

(Ben): Nobody's here! Unless...

Ben is hit by a quil and he faints. 5 hours later....

(Argit): I want to play a game.

He grabs Ben's unconscious body and smirks. 3 hours later....

(Argit, in a deep voice): I want to play a game.

Ben gets up and sees Argit. He uppercuts Argit.

(Argit): GUARDS! KILL THE HUMAN! OH-Wait...THE GAMES SHALL BEGIN! The key to your freedom is in Rook Blonko, or Kundo's ribs!

(Ben): I'd rather die!

Argit smirks.

(Argit): I was hoping you say that!

Argit presses a button. He runs into his undersea office. A door opens, and water is seen pouring into Argit's office. Seven sharks swam into Argit's office.

(Argit): Get him!

The Sharks attack Ben. Ben dials a Pisciss Volann, but ends up as Incursean.



(Frog Jumper): Wha?

He reverts.

(Ben): Crap!

He taps the Omnitrix, but it beeps.

(Ben): Low battery...this is great.

Redinosaur jumps right in front of Ben.

(Redinosaur): Master Argit sent me to kill you, human!

(Ben): Orly?

(Redinosaur): Yes, really.

(Ben): Orly?

(Redinosaur): Yes, really.

(Ben): Orly?

(Redinosaur): Yes, really?

(Ben): ORLY?

(Redinosaur): UGH, DAMN YOU! DIE!

(Ben): Why?

(Redinosaur, whispering): I'm really your future self....I came here to help you kill Argit.

(Ben): wut ._.

Redinosaur reverts into Ben 54,000.

(Ben 54K): Ello. I'm Ben 54,000.

(Ben): Wait...weren't you not supposed to appear until episode 10?

(Ben 54,000): I dunno.

He lefted. Argit is seen watching Ben.

(Argit): This is too gre-I mean bad.

The door is knocked down by a mana blast. Gwen and Kevin appear.

(Gwen): Lookie who we have here!

(Kevin): Hey Argit. Long time, no see.

(Argit): Kevin! Buddy, did you get a haircut?

Kevin grabs a knife.

(Kevin): This won't help a bit.

He tries to stab Argit, but Argit flees.

(Kevin): Dammit! He got away!

(Gwen): Argit is in the bathroom...

Argit is seen in the bathroom, doing number 2. Ben bursts in.

(Ben): Argit!

(Argit): Hey! Ever heard of knocking!

Ben activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Sniper.

(Sniper): I'm gonna enjoy this!

He tries to snipe Argit, but Argit escapes. Sniper reverts.

Gwen, and Kevin teleported to Argit. Kevin threw him off the building.

(Kevin): Ha!

Argit lands safety and runs off, hiding. 

(Gwen): He escaped. What do we do now?

(Ben): I think it's time to find the first piece of the key!

He grins. THE END!
