This is the version of Eighteight that appears on Earth-68, the universe owned by Dioga beta. She appears in John Smith 10: Final Fantasy, Ryder 10 and the John Smith 10 franchise.
Eighteight originally appears as a mercenary for Attea. She later joins the heroes, which her brothers Sixsix and Sevenseven were apart of.
Eighteight appears with her siblings Sixsix and Sevenseven working for Khyber. They later are hired by Psyphon to attack Area 51.
Eighteight is the bodyguard of Attea, and appears with her.
Ryder 10
Secondary Enemies
Bounty Hunters (Kraab, Goyle, Sixsix, Sevenseven, Eighteight, Vreedle Brothers) | Vulkanus (Crabdozer) | Seebik | Psyphon's Gang | Dr. Animo | Zs'Skayr's Followers (Viktor, Yenaldooshi, Mummy | Dr. Psychobos | Road Crew (Baron Highway, Road Rage, Fistrick, Corvo) | Spark Plug | Esoterica | Lucubra | Incurseans (Milleous, Jorgen Von Strangle)
Omnitrix | Nemetrix | Ultimatrix