Echo-Wave is the Sound and Acoustic specialist of the Sociopath Seven. She appears in Imad 10.
OLD INFO: (Can control sounds and emit destructive sound waves at all frequencies, imitate any sound, and her are amplified by the machines on her suit.
Personality: Very loud and independent, likes to have it her own way. She says: "I always get what i want, be it my man, my prey or both!". Flirted in a sadistic way with Imad whom she kept calling Momma's Boy.)
Villain Alias: Echo-Wave ; Title: "World Shattering Supersonic Boom" Real Name: Rachelle Von Blitz ; Gender: Female Position: Main Field agent of the Seven, Offensive Juggernaut. Expert on Sound waves and acoustic.
- Wide control over sound waves of almost all frequencies, channeled it
through offensive, defensive or unorthodox manners.
Personality: A Blood Knight who relishes in the heat and excitement of battles, Rachelle is first of all a thrill seeking woman, whose thirst for action is only equaled by her loud and violent demeanor. Fiercely independent and immensely prideful, she feels at her best when cracking skulls and destroying anything standing in her way, even using provocative flirting against some of her opponents, partly to taunt them. She's quite rude and harsh-tongued, but her loyalty towards those who earned her respect is unshakable, despite still using an offensive vocabulary with them, though it's mostly out of intimacy and endearment in said case. Rachelle usually despises authority and listening to someone's orders, with her leader Fallen-Star being the sole exception to the case, but is still prone to voice loudly her rebellious opinion whenever she doesn't agree with her orders. IOW, she likes to live any way she feels like, on a whim. She's in a near constant bad mood, and is rather easy to anger into a violent state.
Extra Trivia: Rachelle's body is covered with scars originating from the accident. Rainbow Color associate with: Orange. Lantern Corps associated with: Red Lanterns of Rage. In addition to adoring being part of a brutal battle and causing as much destruction as she can, Rachelle has a nasty and very unstable hair-trigger-temper, especially after the experiment gone wrong. She also harbors a near limitless abhorrence to the one responsible for the event that ruined her and her teammates' lives, letting her hatred flow in her an fuel all her actions, giving her enough motivation and willpower for almost anything.