Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

This article is part of Earth-83, the universe owned by CaT.

Further Reading


The Earth-83 Encyclopedia of Sciences, or EoS-83, is a comprehensive guide to the scientific properties of forces either unique to or heavily utilized by Earth-83.

Aphotonic Matter[]

Colloquially referred to as "Shadow" or "Darkness", Aphotonic Matter is a group of elements capable of absorbing 100% of all visible light, giving them a distinctly shadow-like appearance. The exact states and effects of Aphotonic Matter vary from element to element, with certain elements emitting a small amount of visible light on their own (usually somewhere within in the purple-magenta range, though other colors such as red are not unheard of).

Aphotonic Matter Manipulators[]


Electrostasis is a unique form of stasis induced by electricity. To force an object into Electrostasis, a unique form of electrical energy is applied, freezing said object's electrons, and, by extension, their molecules, in place, effectively placing them in a state of suspended animation.

Without a proper electric charge, Electrostasis will fade rather quickly on organic organisms, though its effects on machines can take quite a while to wear off. Humans and other species with similar conductivity can remove the Electrostasis field manually, though it takes special training in order to do so without receiving a nasty shock.

Electrostasis Manipulators[]

Kunenga Energy[]

Main Article: Kunenga Energy

Kunenga Energy is a generally omnipresent yet difficult to detect type of energy that influences the evolution of species and grants aliens that have special abilities their seemingly physics-breaking powers. Kunenga Energy itself is mostly harmless, but artificially increasing the amount of Kunenga Energy in an organism has the potential to break a limit known as the "Kunenga Threshold", upon which said organism will undergo a transformation into a Kunenga Entity and lose their physical form.

Kunenga Energy Manipulators[]


Main Article: Mindscape (Phenomenon)

Mindscapes are psychic locations inside a person's mind where memories and other mental process are given form and experienced by visitors as if they were taking place in the physical world.

Mindscape Manipulators[]

  • Attai Zehn
  • He's the most notable example but just about any lifeform with decent enough psychic powers can pull this off, really.

Photonic Matter[]

Wikipedia Article: Photonic Molecule

Photonic Matter is a unique form of matter created with Photonic Molecules, which are essentially photons bound together into a physical mass. Though their use on Earth is rather limited and under researched, their intergalactic implementation has lead to advances in technology such as holographic interfaces.

Photonic Matter Manipulators[]


Main article: Panglar's Theorem of Timeline Relativity

Timelines, often (yet mistakenly) known as dimensions, are the areas of reality where time and space flow forward. Many alternate timelines exist, each with their own set of branching timelines, containing an infinite number of possibilities.

Timeline Manipulators[]

Void Energy[]

Main Article: Void Energy

Void Energy is a strange, purple energy produced by The Void through a metaphysical filtration process of Kunenga Energy. It can be manipulated by those with strong willpower, and can take the shape and properties of practically anything. It is also the only known direct counter to Kunenga Energy, effectively neutralizing any it comes into contact with.

Void Energy Manipulators[]
