Earth-710010 is the universe that contains the events of Mig 10, Mig 10: Gamaverse, The Legend of Mig, Prototype, and Mig X.
Earth-710010 is a vast universe with a wide assortment of properties and inspirations from both the canon Ben 10, which is more heavily featured in Mig 10 and Mig 10: Gamaverse, and unique ideas not taken from any particular medium.
Earth-710010 was wiped from existence in the Mig X special The Terminus of Gamma, and later recreated by Mig in the Project Deca finale Von Zehn in die Zukunft with the lasting amounts of Gamma Energy.
Notable Dimensions[]
Dimension 7[]
The first timeline to have been introduced, the events of Mig 10 and Mig 10: Gamaverse take place here.
Dimension 1100[]
The second timeline to be introduced, the events of The Legend of Mig take place here. By extension, the events of Sif 100: The Rebooted Series and Richard 10: Journey into the End also take place.
Dimension 2101[]
The third timeline, the events of Prototype take place here.
Dimension 777[]
The events of Mig X take place here.
Mig X | ||||||||||||||||||||