Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Earth-2018 is the Earth in which Ben 10: Time's End takes place.


Earth-2018 was created when Ben, Rook, and Skurd travelled back to the beginning of the universe to stop Maltruant in A New Dawn. The universe that was created after Maltruant's defeat and subsequently seen when Ben and Rook are at Mr. Smoothie's is Earth-2018.


Earth-2018 has a substantial amount of differences from the Prime timeline of the original continuity, some being major while some are minor.

Prime Timeline Earth-2018
Anodites are a species of energy aliens which are typically female. Anodites are a type of ascendent wizard that are of any existing gender.
Osmosians were at one point established to be aliens, while at another point were established to be mutants. Osmosians are a type of mutant human that have absorption powers.
Ben obtains the forms of Bloxx, Crashhopper, *Walkatrout, and The Worst. Ben obtains the forms of Sandbox, Elastick, Thriller Whale, and Snot Goblin. (See: The New Outbreaks)
Max survived the explosion in Max Out and was sent to the Null Void. Max died as of the events of Max Out.
Ben obtains Feedback and defeats Malware. Ben obtains Feedback and defeats Malware, but Azmuth locks the transformation as he determines Ben did not learn from his loss of Feedback. (See: A Look Back at Feedback)
Ben fought Buglizard with Shocksquatch. Ben fought Buglizard with AmpFibian(See: Ra'ad Dude, Man)
Ben and a team went to the Anur System, where they fought Zs'Skayr and Lord Transyl. Almost all outside species have yet to enter the Anur System. Ben and his team have not yet gone here.
Ben meets Kai and eventually forms a relationship with her, albeit forced as hell. Ben met Kai in the same events as Benwolf, though the two have not met since then.
Dr. Animo was sent to the Null Void at some point and became D'Void. Dr. Animo and D'Void are two separate entities.
The Incurseans invaded Peptos XI, which introduced the Perks and Murks as separate Gourmands. The Incurseans invaded X'Nelli, which introduced Ben to the many races of Manzardills on the planet.
Dagon was brought to this universe and absorbed into Vilgax, who was eventually defeated by Ben. Diagon (new spelling) was never brought to this universe to beign with.
Ben defeated Maltruant with Feedback. Ben defeated Maltruant with Chromastone.

*Ben still has a form similar to Walkatrout, though it evolved differently.

Other events and/or differences without a direct parallel include:


  • 2018 was chosen as the Earth number as it was the year in which Time's End became its own entity and started with The New Outbreaks.