Earth-101 is a universe where various series take place in. These series include, but are not limited to, the Crisis franchise, Legend of Heroes and the upcoming Dimensional Reality.
Major Events
Dimension 1[]
The Master Assassins, a mysterious group, shows up and kills people on their list for "failing the universe".
Ben, accompanied by Gwen, Kevin, Rook, and Max try and stop them.
Magister Pattelliday, Will Harangue, and Azmuth are eliminated.
Other targets, however, survive. This includes Rad Dudesman, Blukic and Driba, Max Tennyson, Kevin Levin, and Gwen Tennyson.
Rook agrees to join the Master Assassins.
It is revealed that Azmuth had started The Master Assassins, and that a new leader will always be chosen.
Ben is chosen as the new leader by the entity.
Ben starts leading the Master Assassins and starts a war between the Plumbers and the Forever Knights. He takes advantage of this war and goes looking for a power core.
One month later, Ben returns and powers the weapon with the power core. He sends Kevin, Gwen, and Max on a wild goose chase in space.
Before they could return, Ben destroys Earth.
A few weeks later, Kevin lures Ben to him. He charges at him with the Rust Bucket III, and both ships collide, thus, both Ben and Kevin along with Rook die.
Paradox shows up and says that the Evil Entity will make the universe into nothing and tells Gwen to make a spell to fix this, which she does.