Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

This page covers all known Dud Forms created by Amanda. These aliens are all free-use unless stated otherwise. Please do not add your own aliens to this list.

Worse Buzzshock[]

Dud Temp Crop
General Information
Species Nosedeenian
Plus Atrocian
Home Planet Nosideen Quasar
Original Form Buzzshock
Stability Level Unstable

Powers and Weaknesses[]

Worse Buzzshock is much slower and less energetic, but physically more durable. However due to the way Buzzshock duplicates, this actually completely nullifies that power. He can no longer fly, but unlike regular Buzzshock he has a much greater tolerance for the amount of electricity he can handle since he cannot redirect that power into duplication.

Worse Chromastone[]

Dud Temp Crop
General Information
Species Crystalsapien
Plus Atrocian
Home Planet Petropia
Original Form Chromastone
Stability Level Semi-Stable

Powers and Weaknesses[]

Worse Chromastone has no upper limit to how much power he can absorb- however he loses the ability to expel it. Any energy he absorbs is therefore lost forever.

Worse Ditto[]

Dud Temp Crop
General Information
Species Splixson
Plus Atrocian
Home Planet Hathor
Original Form Ditto
Stability Level Stable

Powers and Weaknesses[]

Worse Ditto gains a boost in defence, however he becomes much slower and less nimble, much much less agile, and his duplication (which was virtually instant in his base form) now takes several seconds longer and is somewhat straining. They do, however, still feel each other's pain. The Worst never stopped the ability to feel pain. And if they're caught while duplicating, the pain is exaggerated tenfold. Still, it means Panuncians can't kill them.

Worse Fasttrack[]

Dud Fasttrack Crop
General Information
Species Citrakayah
Plus Atrocian
Home Planet Chalybeas
Original Form Fasttrack
Stability Level Stable


Fasttrack's body is less slender, and his fur has turned a sickly yellow where once was blue.

Powers and Weaknesses[]

He's slow and, as the user quickly learns, being slow as a Citrakayah is an excruciating experience mentally.

Worse Fasttrack is a persistence runner. Instead of tiring within minutes, he can walk for up to twelve hours without rest. He runs about human jogging speed.

Worse Four Arms[]

Four Arms
Dud Four Arms
General Information
Species Tetramand
Plus Atrocian
Home Planet Khoros
Original Form Four Arms
Stability Level Stable


Four Arms is chubbier than his standard form, with his muscle mass being partially replaced with body fat.

Powers and Weaknesses[]

Worse Four Arms is much weaker than regular Four Arms, about the body strength of Swampfire or Heatblast. Better than a human, much weaker than a Tetramand. However his muscles become much thicker and he is able to take much more punishment. This makes him an effective persistence fighter. He is virtually impossible to beat into submission.

Aaronbill3's Alien Arsenal!

Veridian Wildflower - Shianusapien - Erodinian - Ophidian - Sentientsapien - Sentient Chemicoal - Hamsapien - Totanium - Mimewt - Velosabre - Necroterran - Teslamorpha - Luxava - Lytrasapien - Ramiel Monolith - Cranvius Sapience - T'zun Army - Coral Titanoform - Faratin - Visionary - Kerotops Security Module - Vesuviusapien - Floral Manzardill - Circadian - Ornithis - Alpha Lytra - Hyperphysical Sapioid - Kerotops Communication Module - Kerotopsidian - Rorschinellidae - Fracturemen - Ulmana - Psycranium

Swamp Swarmer - Bone Wraith - Terralifter

Home Worlds

Veridia - Non Precipi - Serpentis - Dischronia - Chemicon X - Bacos IV - Kubran 11 - Alpha Proxima - Aquillis - Cruscolo - Lutra - Cranvius - Chione - Cathemera - Al Hazen - Algernon - Brachii Majoris
