Is An Upcoming Villain In An Upcoming Episode of Ben 10: Galactic SmashA Super Mutant Created by Dr. Animo and Cybernetically Enhanced By Techadon Weapon Master Number 13 His is Part of Ganthar's Negative 10
He is 1/6 Florauna1/6 Crabdozer 1/6 Poison Dart Frog 1/2 Machine
Powers and Abilities[]
From Alien DNA[]
All of the Powers Wildvine and Crabdozer
From Earth Animal DNA[]
Toxic skin and jumping ability
Mutant Powers[]
- His Crabdozer Head has breath so powerful that it can cause cyclone-like winds.
- His Body produces alkaloids so his skin won't lose toxicity
- His Cybernetic Implants have Merged with his Body at a Sub Atomic Level so Because of His Florauna Regenerating Abilities They Regenerate As Well
Cybernetic Weaponry[]
- Dark Matter Drill
- Ion Blaster