"This is just a desert."
Doosyde is a planet in a nameless system.
Half of Doosyde is a nearly barren, yellowish brown desert. There are patches of brown on the planet from the "blemut forests" which are riddled with trees (?) called blemuts, tall brown trunks intertwined with one another through gnarled vines. The other half of Doosyde is a frozen tundra which is just more barren. The inside of the planet is full of rocks and minerals like Earth.
The desert half of Doosyde is perpetually hot with little to no rainfall. Any rainfall experienced on that side of the planet is solely around the oasises.
The tundra half of Doosyde is the complete opposite, being perpetually cold and almost always hailing or snowing.
Doosyde was formed when two of the moons of an unknown planet in the same solar system as it somehow lost orbit and crashed into one another, forming a celestial body big enough to be considered a planet. It then managed to gain its own orbit around its star. One of these moons was freezing cold and the other was a desolate wasteland and, by coincidence, the desolate wasteland side is now almost always facing the star and the freezing cold side is almost always facing away from it.
At some point about a couple hundred thousand years later, a few new, simple species began to emerge, eventually evolving into more complex species like the Blastropods. However only those who adapted to their conditions perfectly survived and evolved into the modern day: Gobhockle, Desert Crocs, and an unnamed slug species which had evolved from the previously mentioned Blastropods.
Doosyde makes its first and only appearance in the Trixters when Ogre and Fly crash there and have to stay the night with (some of) Ogre's family.
Doosyde is home to quite a few small towns populated by Gobhockle, the dominant species, on both the desert and arctic sides with each town being ruled by their own "mayor". Their mayors do not act like Earth's mayors however and act more like monarchs. One example of a mayor is Uzig Trolundi, mayor of Figgledun Town. However, unlike monarchs in which they typically choose a relative to be the next monarch, the mayors on Doosyde can just pick whoever they believe is best fit to rule the town. There are also various festivals typically celebrated on both the desert and arctic sides. An example of a Desert Gobhockle festival is "The Night of Uguuu" in which all Desert Gobhockles have big feasts together to be forgiven for bad things they have done.
Doosyde is named after a corruption of "two side" and "duo" because of its two contrasting sides.
Known Inhabitants[]
- Gobhockle
- Uzig Trolundi
- Elizabert Trolundi (formerly)
- Freya Trolundi (formerly)
- Michelle Trolundi (formerly)
- Triffany Trolundi (formerly)
- Tracey Trolundi (formerly)
- Debra Trolundi
- Jorungo Trolundi
- Ogrend Trolundi (formerly)
- Plogre Trolundi (formerly)
- Djumbpy Trolundi (formerly)
- Dadzig Trolundi (formerly)
- Azmuth Trolundi (formerly)
- Jared
- Jorblenius (formerly)
- Desert Crocs
- Desert Croc eaten on The Night of Uguuu
- Unnamed Slug Aliens
- Unnamed Slug eaten on The Night of Uguuu
- Blastropods (formerly)
Notable Visitors[]
- Fly
- Ogrend Trolundi
- John the Meateor
- The Unnamed Slug Aliens and Desert Crocs live in the blemut forests.