Is An Upcoming Villain In An Upcoming Episode of Ben 10: Galactic Smash A Super Mutant Created by Dr. Animo and Cybernetically Enhanced By Techadon Weapon Master Number 13 His is Part of Skrawl's Society Of Mutant Cyborgs
He is 1/8 Aerophibian 1/8 Vaxasaurian 1/8 Rat 1/8 Golden Silk Orb-Weaver Spider 1/2 Machine
Powers and Abilities[]
From Alien DNA[]
All the Powwrs of Jetray and Humungousaur
From Earth Animal DNA[]
Rat Head For a Hand that has Sharp Strong Teeth and Heighten Senses of Hearing and Smell
Extra Legs and Web Shooting But instead of shooting it from the abdomen (stomach) like the usual way, He Shoots It From His Mouth
Mutant Powers[]
Cybernetic Weaponry[]
- Dark Mater Wrist Blades