Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
UltiVerse: Protector of the Universe
Season 1, Episode 7
Air date 20/07/03
Written by Sleepy guy
Directed by Mr. Fright
Episode Guide
Facing Malware: Part 2
Aggregor's Attack: Part 1

Doom is the 7th episode of UltiVerse: Protector of the Universe.


Previously on UltiVerse: Protector of the Universe

We see malware in a Room

malware: Now that i now the Polymorph's moves i'l give him a sip oh his own medecin

He Laughs Evilly. Now we see Ulti Flying.

UltiVerse: That was nice to meet that Ben 10 Dude

Malware: Good to see you, UltiVerse!

UltiVerse: what do you want??

Malware: The Polymorph King sword of Corse and to destroy you, but i will leave that to later, now give me the sword!

UltiVerse: sorry malware! i don't have it! i lost it on Vilgax's ship. he broke it and Trew it away!

Malware: what? No way!

Malware: i can't be that easy?

Ultiverse: your right!

He shoots an Energy blast at Malware. 'Ulti sees a bomb on his Leg

UltiVerse: ha! I can escape it!

Ulti trys to Morph out, but he can't

UltiVerse: why can't i morph out

Malware: you can't because it's not just a bomb, it also takes away your powers

Malware: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

UltiVerse (happy): Ye-eeeee-e-eeee-ee-eee-eeeessssss!

Malware: I will stil destroy you!

He takes out a gun

UltiVerse: don't you learn?

Ulti jumps in his ship and flys away

UltiVerse: no you don't!

Malware: Prepare to die, UltiVerse!

He Shoots a weak Blast as his ship Goes into Hyperspace and we can hear his scream. The Blast reaches Ulti's ship. we see liitle bombs they all activate. we see Ultis ship from the outside and it Explodes!

Theam song

We see the exposion of Ulti's ship. Now we see Malware Flying In Hyperspace Berely Holding on

Malware: i killed him!

He lets go of whatever he was holding on and flys back into Hyperspace and Dissappers. We see Magister Arnux watching the Explosion

Arnux: i knew i should have let him go!

A Button starts Beaping

Arnux: a new Message?!

He Opens the Message

UltiVerse (Hologram): magister Arnux, i know you are out there. And i know you saw me Blow up, it was a Suprise for me too, but i now know Malware is Dead and I'm Leading his Ship Into a Black Hole, with the other ship Following me. Can you pick me up at Anur System after 3 Hours?

The Message ends and Arnux Smiles

After 2 Hours 55 minutes

We see Malware's ship. it's going into a Black hole. We see Ulti Icing all Guards in his way. He runs to The Escape pod

guards: Freeze!

UltiVerse: no u!

He Freezes all the Guards and Gets in the Space Pod. He Lunches himself. we see the ship from the Outside and we see an Escape Pod is Lunched as the Whole ship goes in the Black Hole

UltiVerse: Beraly made it!

The out of Hyperspace Arnux's ship comes out. it flys and picks up The Escape pod. we see Ulti and  Arnux

Arnux: good to see you, Ulti

UltiVerse: You to, Arnux

They Hug. Then their ship is Being attacked by a Tyrenopede.

Arnux: Khyber!

We see them both (Arnux and Ulti) Outside with Khyber and his pet

Arnux: Khyber!

Khyber (Suprised); Magister Arnux?! but..

UltiVerse: it's Over!

Khyber: oh no it's not!

His Pet turns into Mucilator

UltiVerse: Realy? 

He teleports on the Top of Mucilator and takes of the Nemetrix. He thorws ir to Khyber

Khyber: How dare you?

UlriVerse: easy!

Khyber puts the nemetrix on himself.

Khyber: nemetrix code sapeint!

Khyber puts the nemetrix Then Nemetrix on his neck and transforms

Khyber as Corupted Polymorph: yes it works!

He got electrocued. he shoots Electricity at Ulti and takes him with him

Arnux: not so fast

he Aims a laser at him. Khyber Electrocutes him

At Khyber's ship

Khyber: i have you now!

We see Ulti half Frozen

UltiVerse: let me Guess, you want to destroy me or take me to Vilgax

Khyber: no! this ships is Full speed going into the Black whole

Ulti Gets Shocked. everything Stops

Narrator (UltiVerse): Oh man

he shakes his head

Narrator (UltiVerse): really the black hole again? I'm already bored of it ._.!wait did he say this ship :O

Everything unstops

UltiVerse: did you say this ship?

Khyber: yes i did, me, you and everyone who is on this ship Will go in the Black hole

Ulti Gets shocked he unfreezes himself and teleports out of Khybers room. then he sees he has a Bomb on his leg

UltiVerse: not this thing again

Khyber: what do you mean?

UltiVerse: Malware put one on me last time

Everything stops

Narrator (Khyber): Realy?! I used what Malware used!?Oh cmon

Everything unstops

Ulti Turns into a Pile of Goo. Ulti Morphs back to his normal form

UltiVerse: it still works

He Runs to the Escape Pod

The Ship: The Ship is 98% in the Black Hole

Khyber Smiles, UltiVerse gets in the pod

The Ship: 99%

We see the ship almost in the Black Hole, The ship goes into it. we see Arnux in his ship. he puts his head down

Arnux: UltiVerse didn't make it!?

We see a Escape pod that has Crashed on Anur Scaros

THE END, Will Continue in UltiVerse: Protector of the Universe Episode 8: Aggregor's Attack PT 1



  • Khyber (First Appearance)
  • Zed (First Appearance)