Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Doctor Aloysius Animo is a villain in Owen 10.


Animo has pale green skin, yellowish eyes and shoulder-length white hair. He has black, fingerless gloves and often wears gear to control his mutants.

Powers and Abilities[]

Animo possesses the ability to telepathically control animals and mutants, getting them to do his bidding. Animo also is a brilliant scientist in genetics and machines, giving him vast knowledge in both subjects and thus allowing him to further expand his telepathy over creatures.


Animo is arrogant and has a temper. He is also fairly useless if his control over animals is taken from him.


Animo was a respected scientist but one day started to perform twisted experiments on animals. However, when he tried to win the Verities Award, he lost to former friend Doctor Kelly due to Animo's cruel ways of research. When everything was taken from Animo, he became a science teacher at a school in Bellwood.

When Owen showed him the ability to transform in Just What the Doctor Ordered, Animo was inspired to once again take up his experiments and create a device to mutate animals, but Owen thwarted his plans and sent him to prison.

While in prison, Animo discovered how to give a mutant human intelligence, as he created Queen Bee some time before the events of Queen of Bees, though she betrayed him to build her own empire.



  • Animo is 5'6 tall.