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Doctor Animo's Crazy Trip | |||||||||||||||||||||
Grandpa Max and the kids are now in Washington, D.C., while at the same time underappreciated scientist Doctor Animo wants revenge on the science community. Can Grandpa Max and the kids stop Doctor Animo in time?
A well-dressed short round man going bald knocked on a door, "Mister, this is your third month without paying any rent, pay me now, or I'll have no other option but to kick you out." The man gets no reply, so he pulls out his keys, knowing he's home to talk to him.
"What are you doing here? Who told you, you could enter?" A man who'd you think doesn't know what the word hygiene means.
"I did mister, I owe this place, or I'll kick you out right now," The owner says.
"Well, my bad, here's something for how rude I was to you." The man says as he grabs a device that he blasts his frog with, and it starts to mutate and grow to an insane height. The owner looks scared at it, and the frog sticks its tongue out and puts him in his mouth. "Also, for the last time, my name is DOCTOR ANIMO!" Dr. Animo said as he got onto the frog, and they left.
Max, Gwen, Lucy, and Kevin were all at a grocery store, "I thought you were going to tell me about my father or at least train me." Kevin said to Max, getting angry.
"Well, after we leave D.C. I know this nice field. I think we can train at, and the girls will like the scenery." Max said while looking for a Sheep Tongue at the deli area, which Gwen and Lucy don't have the stomach to be at.
Doctor Animo, riding his mutant frog, hops into the building. "Hey! Watch where you go!" the wall to their left starts to collapse with the new batteries Kevin has absorbed is able to zap a person out of the way. Kevin says, trying to pick a fight with him.
Animo looks down at him and says, "I am Doctor Animo. I don't listen to kids." He then pats the side of his frog, and his frog sticks out his tongue to grab Kevin, but Max tackles Kevin out of the way. "If I were you, old man, I would teach my kids to respect their superior." Animo says as he and his frog hop away.
Kevin picks himself up and brushes himself off, "Thanks, Max," Kevin says, annoyed. Kevin chases after Animo and finds him raiding the tech area.
Kevin blasts him, knocking Animo off guard. "That is an exciting gift you have, my boy, but I'm on a schedule and don't want to be late," Animo says as he recollects himself and leaves.
Lucy comes running before Animo leaves and chucks a piece of her onto the frog.
"What did you just do, Lucy?" Kevin looked at her, confused at why she did that and not try to stop him.
"Sorry, I had to stop a bird he mutated, and I decided I could track him with a piece of myself because I can sense it," Lucy said, explaining what took her so long to help him. Lucy turns around and sees the mutated white bird breaking free from her purple sludge restraints. Lucy and Kevin duck while the bird escapes.
Max and Gwen go to them, "Are you two OK?" Max asked as he looked over them, making sure they were OK. Kevin and Lucy say they are, and Lucy explains what she did. "Alright, we should go now before they get too far from us," Max said; he left the place with the kids.
While Lucy gives directions to where her sludge is, Gwen searches Doctor Animo. She discovers who Doctor Animo is and how Animo thinks he was cheated out of the glory he believes he deserves. They arrive at The Smithsonian Museum, where Lucy tracked her sludge down. They exit the Rustbucket Kevin charged up, Lucy in her humanoid sludge form, Max with his Mark 12 Techadorian Multiblaster, and Gwen. The mutated white bird swooped down and grabbed Gwen, and started to fly away without missing a beat. Kevin began blasting the bird and chasing it, "Get Animo!" Kevin said, running after the bird.
The bird can't fly that high now with its wings badly damaged. While Kevin is chasing the bird, he finds a lamp post and starts to siphon the power from it and make an electric chain around the bird, and Kevin begins to pull it closer to him. Now closer to the ground, Gwen can open the bird's claws around her shoulders to get free. Gwen then runs up to hug Kevin distracting him, and lets go of the bird, which starts to chase them, but Kevin and Gwen run away.
"What would Doctor Animo want with all these fossils," Lucy asks while she and Max look to find him.
"I don't know, Lucy, but it can't be anything good," Max said as he and Lucy entered a big room with a ginormous T-Rex in the middle of the room. They find Doctor Animo what looks like making the last adjustments to his device.
"I came here to bring life to a previous thought to be dead species to prove just how much smarter I am." Doctor Animo says as he blasts the T-Rex fossil that begins to grow muscles and skin. Lucy and Max just watch in terrifying awe as the T-Rex comes back to life.
Lucy increases her size but can only become half as tall as the T-Rex at best, and she and the T-Rex start to fight, so Max goes to chase after Doctor Animo. Lucy grabs the T-Rex by the tail, spins in a circle, and launches him through a wall, landing him outside the building where Kevin and Gwen watch this happen. "WOW! Is that a dinosaur? How is that possible?" Kevin says, amazed by what the green scaley Dinosaur looks like.
"Well, Doctor Animo blasted it, and it grew skin and came to life," Lucy says as she tries to explain what happened. Kevin starts to blast the T-Rex, which agitates it, and he starts to target Kevin. "Gwen and I can handle this! Go help Grandpa Max. He's chasing Doctor Animo by himself."
"OK!" Kevin says he starts to run and follow big frog prints from the building near the exit.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HELP?!" Gwen says in a worried panic.
"You know, help me find a way to defeat it or trap it," Lucy says as she continues to try to pin, but it keeps clawing away at her or takes bites out of her.
"What do you think you can do to me, old man?" Animo said as he is getting annoyed that he and the kids that follow him keep getting in his way. He turns his frog around, and as the frog opens up his mouth to stick his tongue, Kevin blasts it shocking the frog, and he doesn't want to stick his tongue out again. Animo doesn't care and tries to make the frog land on Kevin, but Max pushes him out of the way once again.
Kevin picks up the Mark 12 Techadorian Multiblaster that slipped from Max's hands. He decides to blast the frog off Max, making the frog start to hop away, knocking Doctor Animo off him. Kevin starts to absorb some Techadorian Multiblaster power, which he has never felt but strangely felt natural. Kevin tackles Animo, 'WOW! I have never felt this much power, and I only absorbed one shot from the gun," Kevin says as his longish hair begins to stand up. Electricity starts to roam all over his body. Kevin goes for an attack that scares Animo but, Kevin uses his energy to destroy the DNA Transmodulator. Reverting all of the mutated animals back to normal as they look at the frog begins to shrink in the distance.
"Woah, Kevin!" Max says as he's proud of what Kevin did as he could have done much worse.
"Did you stop Animo?" Lucy says as she and Gwen run towards them. She sees Animo on the ground and his DNA Transmodulator fried, "Nevermind, I guess I got my answer."
"Is he hurt?" Gwen says, looking at him from a distance.
"He's fine. I think I just scared him really bad. Isn't that funny?" Kevin says as he's proud of himself.
"No, Kevin, it's not funny," Gwen says, getting agitated, she walks away towards Max to see if he's OK. Kevin looks troubled, but he shakes his head, and he follows them as they head back to the Rust Bucket.
"Gwen, I'm fine I promise I've been through worse. Plus, it's not that far of a drive. It's a nice open field I think you and Lucy will like." Max says as he gets in the driver's seat, winking at Kevin so Max can train Kevin to how to use his powers better.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Doctor Animo mutates a frog and makes the frog eat his landlord.
- Doctor Animo breaks into M-Mart and Kevin fights him.
- Lucy throws a piece of her onto Animo to track him.
- A mutated bird flies away with Gwen and Kevin chases the bird and help her get away from the bird.
- Animo uses his upgraded DNA Transmodulator on a T-Rex's fossil which brings it back to life and Lucy fights it.
- Max and Kevin chase Doctor Animo and Kevin defeats Doctor Animo by destroying the DNA Transmodulator.
Character Debuts[]
- Landlord
Minor Events[]
- Max, Gwen, Lucy, and Kevin are at M-Mart.
- Max promises when they leave Washington D.C. they go out to a field for Kevin to practice.
- Doctor Animo mutates a bird at M-Mart and Lucy fights it.
- While tracking Doctor Animo down Gwen finds out who he is and figures out what he might be doing.
- Max, Gwen, Lucy, and Kevin leave to go to the field outside Washongton D.C.
- Max Tennyson
- Gwen Tennyson
- Lucy Mann
- Kevin Levin
- Landlord
- Doctor Animo
- Mutant Frog
- Mutant Bird
- T-Rex
Paul Eiding | Grandpa Max |
Ashley Johnson | Gwen Tennyson |
Danica McKeller | Lucy Mann |
Greg Cipes | Kevin Levin |
Dwight Schultz | Doctor Animo |
Diedrich Bader | Landlord |
- This episode is a 95% ripoff to Ben 10 Classic Episode Washington B.C
- This will lead into the next episode and that will lead into episode 4.