General Information
1/2 Pyronite 1/2 Petrosapien
Home World
Flameant Crystaline humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Pyrokinesis Enhanced Strength Enhanced Durability Pyro Immunity Cryo Immunity Flight (via Propulsion) Limited Terrakinesis Cryokinesis (cold virus) Enhanced Speed (via Propulsion) Crystallokinesis Crystaline Constructs Shard Projectiles Explosive Projectiles Weapon Manifestation Regeneration Body Alteration Energy Refraction Energy Redirection Energy Absorption Aging Immunity Heat Resistance Space Survivability Enhanced Dexterity
Diamondblast is a fusion between Heatblast and Diamondhead and forms part of the Biomnitrix Unleashed project, and is one of the fusions from the DNA Lab. Remake by Rizegreymon22 from Deviantart .
Appearance [ ]
Has the exact shape of Diamondhead's body and head, his body is made of lava but instead of Heatblast's rocks is covered with crystal fragments, and these fragments are arranged in a symmetrical order with the shape of Diamondhead suit, he has a flame surrounding his head like Heatblast, has Heatblast's feet and his lava hands with the shape of Diamondhead's hands, the two large crystals of his back are made of lava with a small crystal line above, and use Diamondhead's belt with the Biomnitrix symbol on it.
Diamondblast's icon
Abilities [ ]
Generates heat.
Shoots fire through his hands.
Has immunity to heat, fire, magma, lava, and cold.
Can generate flaming crystals from the ground and make them levitate.
Can turn his arms into shields or sharp blades and form razor-sharp crystals from his body.
His crystals are completely resistant, allowing lasers and bullets to bounce off.
Can shoot flaming darts out of his hands.
Can summon large flaming crystals from the ground which he can control and cause to fly up like a meteor.
Weaknesses [ ]
Original Diamondblast from DNA Lab
If he is cold or sick, it could cause a side effect that would make his heat becomes cold and his pyrokinesis is replaced by cryokinesis.
Water extinguishes his heat.
He is still partially the prey of Crabdozer.
Can crack and shatter if impacted with enough force or exposed to strong sonic vibrations and might even fall unconscious.
While he can regenerate limbs, there is a limit to how much damage he can recover from.
Biomnitrix Unleashed Fusions
Original series Aliens
Heatblast's fusions
Wildblast | Diamondblast | XLR-Heat | Heat Matter |Heat Arms| Stinkblast | Heatjaws | Heatgrade |Ghostblast | Cannonblast |Heatvine | Blastwolfer | Snare-Blast |Frankenblast |Upblast | Heatto | Eye Blast |Big Blast | Swampblast | Echo Blast | Heatmungoublast |Heatray | Heat Chill | Chromablast | Blastorm | Spiderblast |Goopblast | Blast X | LodeBlastar | Heatrath | Nanoblast | Heat Water | BlastFibian | Blastodrillo | Terrablast | NRBlast | Fastblast | Clockblast | Chamablast | Shockblast | Eatblast | Jury Heat | Feedblast | Heatbloxx | Grablasttack | Heatcrash | Blast Weevil | Heatrout | Pesky Blast | Blastache | Heatworst | Kickin Heat | Toe Blast | Blastrodactyl | Blastfrag | HeatMix | Gutblast | Heatpire | Heatspit | Buzzblast | Heatiguana
Wildmutt's fusions
Wildblast | Diamondmutt | XLR-Mutt | Grey Mutter | Wild Arms | Wildfly |Wildjaws | Upmutt |Wildfreak | Cannonmutt | Vinemutt | Wildwolfer | Wild-Oh | Strikemutt | Wildchuck | Wilditto | Wild Guy | Wild Big |Wildfire | Wild Echo | Humuttgouwild | Muttray |Chillmutt | Chromuttstone | Wildstorm | Spidermutt | Wildgoop | Mutt X | Lodemutt | Rathmutt | Nanomutt | Wild Hazard | WildFibian | Armuttdrillo | Wildspin | NR-Wild | Wildtrack | Clockwild | Chamamutt | Shockmutt | Wildtle | Jury Mutt | Wildback | Wildbloxx | Gravamutt | Wildhopper | Ball Wild | Muttrout | Pesky Mutt | Mutt-Stache | Worstmutt | Wild Hawk | Wildpick | Astrowild | Muttfrag | Atomutt | Muttrot | Wildpire | Spittmutt | Wildbuzz | Arctimutt
Diamondhead's fusions
Diamondblast |Diamondmutt | XLRHead |Diamond Matter | Diamondarms | Diamondfly | Diamondjaws | Diamondgrade | Diamondfreak | Diamondbolt | Vinehead | Diamondblitz | Di-Oh-Mond | Frankenhead | Diamondchuck | Dittohead | Diamond Eye | Big Head | Swamphead | Diamondecho |Humungouhead | Diamondjet | Diamondchill |Diamondstone | Diamondbrain | Spidiamondkey | Diamondgoop | Diamond X | Diamondstar | Diamond Rath | Nanohead | Diamond Hazard | DiamondFibian |Diamondrillo | Diamondspin | NR-Head | Diamondtrack | Clockhead | ChamDiamond | Diamondsquatch | Diamondeat | Diamond Rigg | Diamondback | Diamondbloxx | Gravahead | Diamondcrash | Diamondtrout | Pesky Head | Diamolehead | Worstiamond | Diamond Hawk | Diamond Toe | Diamondactyl | Bullhead | Atomhead | Diamondgut | Diamondpire | Diamondspit | Buzzhead | Arctiamond
XLR8's fusions
XLR-Heat | XLR-Mutt | XLRHead | XLR-Grey | XLR4 | XLR-Fly | XLR-Jaws | XLR-Grade |XLR-Freak | XLR-Bolt | XLR-Vine | XLR-Wolf | Snare-LR8 | XLR-Strike | XLR-Chuck | XLR-Tto | XLR-Eye | XLR-Way | XLR-Fire | XLR-Echo | Humung-LR8 | XLR-Ray | XLR-Chill | XLR-Stone | XLR-Brain | XLR-Monkey | XLR-Goop | Alien XLR8 | X-lode-R8 | XL-Rath-8 | Nano-8 | Water-LR8 | XLR-Amp | XLR-Mor | XLR-Spin |XLRG | Fast-LR8 | XLR-Work | Chame-LR8 | Squatch-LR8 | XLR-Eat | XL-Rigg | XLR-Back | Bloxx-LR8 | XLR-Attack | Crash-LR8 | Ball-8 | WalXLR8 | Pesk-LR8 | XLR-Mole | XLR-Worst | XLR-Hawk | XLR-Toe | AstrodactLR8 | XLR-Frag | Atomix-LR8 | XLR-Gut | XLR-Pire | Spit-R8 | Buzz-LR8 | Arcti-LR8
Grey Matter's fusions
Heat Matter | Grey Mutter |Diamond Matter | XLR-Grey | Grey Arms | Grey Stink |GreyJaws | UpGrey | Ghost Matter | Cannon Matter | Vine Matter | Wolf Matter | Snare Matter | Frankengrey | Greychuck | Grey Ditto | Grey Eye | Big Matter | Swamp Matter | Grey Echo | Greymungousaur | Ray Matter | Grey Chill | Greystone | Brain Matter | Spidermatter | Grey Goop | Matter X | Grey Star | Rath Matter | Nanomatter | Grey Hazard | Amp Matter | Matterdrillo | Terrasgrey | NR-Grey | Clock Matter | Chamagrey | Shocksgrey | Eatgrey | Jury Grey | Feed Matter | Grey Bloxx | Greyvattack | Crashmatter | Grey MaTrout | Grey Dust | Molesmatter | Grey Worst | Grey Hawk | Greypick | Matterdactyl | Fragrey | Atomatter | Gut Matter | Greypire | spit Matter | Greyshock | Arctimatter
Four Arms fusions
Heat Arms | Wild Arms | Diamondarms | XLR4 | Grey Arms |Stink Arms | Four Jaws | Fourgrade |Ghost Arms | Cannonarms | Four Vines | Wolf Arms | Snare-Arms | Frankenarms | chuckarms | Ditto Arms | Four Eyes | Big Arms | Fire Arms | Four Echo | Fourmungousaur | Jet Arms | Chill Arms | Chromarms | Four Brains | Four Armed Monkey | Goop Arms | Arms X | Lode Arms |Ratharms | Nano Arms | Water Arms | ArmFibian | Fourarmodrillo | Terrarmspin | N-Arm-G | Clock Arms | FourarmAlien | Shockarms | Eatarms | Jury Arms | Feed Arms | Bloxx Arms | Grava Arms | Arms Hopper | WalkArms | Pesky Arms | Arms-Tache | Worst Arms | Kickin Arms | Fourpick | Armadactyl | Frag Arms | Fourarmtomix | Gut Arms | Armpire | Four Spits | Four Buzz | Fourctiguana
Stinkfly's fusions
Stinkblast | Wildfly | Diamondfly | XLR-Fly | Grey Stink |Stink Arms | Stinkjaws | Stinkgrade | Stinkfreak | Stinky Bolt | Flyvine | Stinkwolfer | Snarefly | Frankenfly | Upfly | Dittfly | Fly Guy | Big Fly | Swampfly | Stink Echo | Fourmungoufly | Stinkray | Stink Chill | Chromastink | Stinkstorm | Stinkmonkey | Stinkgoop | Stink X | Stinkstar | Stinkrath | Nanofly |Stink Water | StinkFibian | Stinkodrillo | Terrastink | NR-Stink | Stinkwork | Chamfly | Stinksquatch | Eatfly | Jury Fly | Feedfly | Stink Bloxx | Gravafly | Flyhopper | Stinktrout | Stinky Dust | Mole-Stink | Worst Fly | Kickin Fly | Stinkpick | Stinkodactyl | Bullfly | Atomstink | Stinktrot | Flypire | Stinkspitter | Buzzstink | Stinkguana
Ripjaws' fusions
Heatjaws | Wildjaws | Diamondjaws | XLR-Jaws | Greyjaws | Four Jaws | Stinkjaws | Ripgrade | Ghostjaws | Cannonjaws | Ripvine | Ripwolfer | Snare Jaws | Frankenjaws | Ripchuck | Dittjaws | Jaws Guy | Big Jaws | Swampjaws | Echo Jaws | Humungoujaws | Ripjet | Ripchill | Jawstone | Brainjaws | Spiderjaws |Goopjaws | Rip X | Lodejaws | Rathjaws | Nanojaws | Jaws Hazard | AmpFijaws | Armor Jaws | Terrasjaws | NR-Jaws | Clockjaws | Chamajaws | Shocksjaws | Riptle | Riggjaws | Ripback | Ripbloxx | Gravajaws | Jawshopper | Walkajaws | Pesky Jaws | Mole-Jaws | Worst Jaws | Kickin Jaws | Toejaws | Astrojaws | Bulljaws | Atomrip | Gutjaws | Whampjaws | Spitjaws | Ripshock | Ripguana
Upgrade's fusions
Heatgrade | Upmutt | Diamondgrade | XLR-Grade
Fourgrade | Stinkgrade | Ripgrade |Ghostgrade |Cannongrade | Upvine | Blitzgrade | Grade-Oh | Frankengrade | Chuckgrade | Upgraditto | Eyegrade | Upbig | Swampgrade | Echo Grade | Humungradesaur | Jetgrade | Chillgrade | Chromagrade | Upgradestorm | Upgrademonkey | Goopgrade | Upgrade X | Upstar | UpRath | Nanograde | Upgrade Hazard | UpFibian | Upgradrillo | Upspin | NR-Grade |Clockgrade | Chamagrade | Shockgrade | Eatgrade | Uprigg | Feedgrade | Upbloxx | Upgravattack | Upgradehopper | UpTrout | Pesky Grade | Up-Stache | Worst Upgrade | Upgrade Hawk | Uppick | Upgradactyl | Bullgrade | Gradetomix | Gutgrade | Whampgrade | Spitgrade | Upschock | Arctigrade
Ghostfreak's fusions
Ghostblast |Wildfreak |Diamondfreak |XLR-Freak | Ghost Matter | Ghost Arms | Stinkfreak | Ghostjaws |Ghostgrade | Cannonghost | Ghostvine | Freakwolfer | Gh-Oh-st snare | Freakenstrike |Upfreak | Dittfreak | Eye Freak | Big Freak | Swampfreak | Echofreak | Humunghostfreak | Jetfreak | Freak Chill | Ghostone | Brainfreak |Spiderfreak | Goopfreak | Ghost X | Ghostar | Rathfreak | Nanofreak | Ghost Hazard | AmpFreakian | Armorfreakllo | GhostSpin | NRGhost | Clockfreak | Chamafreak | Shocksfreak | Ghostle | Jury Freak | Ghostfeed | Ghostbloxx | Ghosttack | Ghosthopper | Walkafreak |Freaky Dust | Ghost-Tache | Worst Freak | Kickin Ghost | Toefreak | Astrofreak | Bullfreak | Ghostomix | Ghostrot | Ghostpire | GhostSpit | Buzzghost | Ghostfreakuana
Cannonbolt's fusions
Cannonblast | Cannonmutt | Diamondbolt | XLR-Bolt | Cannon Matter | Cannonarms | Stinky Bolt | Cannonjaws | Cannongrade | Cannonghost | Cannonvine | Cannonwolf | Snare-Bolt | Frankenbolt |Cannonchuck | Cannonditt | Eye Bolt | Cannonbig | Cannonswamp | Echobolt | Humungoubolt | Cannonjet | Chillbolt | Chromabolt | Cannonbrain | Cannonmonkey | Cannongoop | Cannon X | Lodebolt |Cannonrath | Nanobolt | Water Cannon | Cannon Amp | Armobolt | Cannonspin | NR-Bolt | Cannonwork | Cannonlien | Cannonsquatch | Cannoneatle | Cannon Rigg | Cannonback | Cannonbloxx | Gravabolt | Cannoncrash | Cannonball Weevil | Cannontrout | Cannondust | Cannonmole | Cannonworst | Cannonhawk | Cannontoe | Cannondactyl | Cannonbull | Atombolt | Cannongut | Cannonwhamp | Cannonspit | Cannonbuzz | Cannonguana
Wildvine's fusions
Heatvine | Vinemutt | Vinehead | XLR-Vine | Vine Matter | Four Vines | Flyvine | Ripvine | Upvine | Ghostvine | Cannonvine | Vinewolfer | Vine-Oh | Frankenvine | Chuckvine | Dittvine | Eye Vine |Wayvine | Swampvine | Vine Chill | Chromavine | Rathvine | VineFibian | Terrasvine | NR-Vine | Vinalien | Eatvine | Bloxxvine | Vinehopper | Ball Wildvine | Wildvinetrout | Pesky Vine | Spitvine
Blitzwolfer's fusions
Blastwolfer | Wildwolfer | Diamondblitz | XLR-Wolf | Wolf Matter | Wolf Arms | Stinkwolfer | Ripwolfer | Gradewolfer | Freakwolfer | Cannonwolf | Vinewolfer | Snare-Wolfer |Frankenwolfer | Blitzchuck | Dittwolf | Blitz Eye | Wolf Big | Chillwolfer| Rathwolfer
Snare-Oh's fusions
Snare-Blast | Wild-Oh | Di-Oh-Mond | Snare-LR8 | Snare Matter | Snare-Arms | Snarefly | Snare Jaws | Grade-Oh | Gh-Oh-st snare | Snare-Bolt | Vine-Oh | Snare-Wolfer | Frankensnare | Chuck-Oh | Ditt-Oh | Eye-Oh | Big-Oh | Snarefire | Echo-Oh | Humung-Oh-Snare | Snare-Ray | Chill-Oh | Snare-Stone | Brainsnare | Spider-Oh | Snare-Goop | X-Oh | Lodesnare | Rath-Oh | Nano-Oh | Snare Hazard | Snare-Fibian | Snaredrillo | N-Snare-G | Snaretrack | Snare-work | Chame-Oh | Snaresquatch | Eat-Oh | Jury-Oh | Feed-Oh | Snare-Bloxx | Grava-Oh | Snare Ball | Snare-Trout | Snare Dust | Mole-Snare | Snare-Worst | Snare-Hawk | Snare-Toe | Snarodactyl | Snarefrag | Atom-Oh | Snarerot | Snarepire | Spit-Oh | Buzz-Oh | Arctig-Oh
Frankenstrike's fusions
Frankenblast | Strikemutt | Frankenhead | XLR-Strike | Frankengrey | Frankenarms | Frankenfly | Frankenjaws | Frankengrade | Freakenstrike | Frankenbolt |Frankenvine |Frankenwolfer | Frankensnare | Frankenchuck | Frankenditto | Frankenguy | Frankenbig
Upchuck's fusions
Upblast | Wildchuck |Diamondchuck | XLR-Chuck | Greychuck | Chuckarms | Upfly | Ripchuck | Chuckgrade |Upfreak | Cannonchuck | Chuckvine | Blitzchuck | Chuck-Oh | Frankenchuck | Dittchuck | Eye Chuck | Big Chuck| Chucktle | Gutchuck
Ditto's fusions
Heatto | Wilditto | Dittohead | XLR-Tto | Grey Ditto | Ditto Arms | Dittfly | Dittjaws | Upgraditto | Dittfreak | Cannonditt | Dittvine | Dittwolf | Ditt-Oh | Frankenditto | Dittchuck | Ditto Guy | Way Ditt | Swampitto |Echo Ditto Echo Ditto | Humungouditto | Dittoray | Ditt Chill | Chromaditto | Brain Ditto | Spiditto | Digoop | Ditto X | Loditto | Ritho | Nanoditto | Ditto Hazard | AmpDitto | ArmaDitto | Terraditto | NR-Ditto | Dittrack | Dittclock | Chameditto | Dittsquatch | Eatto | Jury Ditt | Dittback | Dittbloxx | Gravaditto | Crashditto | Ball Ditto | Waldittrout | Peskitto | Ditto-Stache | Dittworst | Ditto Hawk | Dittoepick | Astroditto | Dittofrag | Dittomix | Dittrot | Whampditto | Spitto | Dittoshock | Dittoguana
Eye Guy's fusions
Grey Eye | Eyegrade
Way Big's fusions
Big Chuck
Alien Force Aliens
Swampfire's fusions
Echo Echo's fusions
Four Echo |Echo Ditto Echo Ditto| Echoshock
Humungousaur's fusions
Fourmungousaur | Humungoopsaur| Peskmungodust| The Worstosaur
Big Chill's fusions
Freak Chill | Chillwolfer | Terraschill
Chromastone's fusions
Diamondstone | ChrompFibian
Brainstorm's fusions
Blastorm | Wildstorm | Brainhead | XLR-Brain |Brain Matter | Four Brains | Stinkstorm | Brainjaws | Upgradestorm| Brainfreak | Brainsnare | Frankenstorm | Brain Chuck | Brain Ditto | Big Storm | Brainswamp | Humungoustorm | Brain Chill | Spiderstorm | Braingoop | Brain X | BrainRath | Water Storm | BrainFibian | Brainodrillo | Brain-RG | Brainwork | Brainattack | Gutstorm | Brainpire | Artic Brain
Spidermonkey's fusions
Spiderstorm| Weevilmonkey
Goop's fusions
Goopblast | Goopgrade| Humungoopsaur
Alien X's fusions
Toe X |Atomic X
Lodestar's fusions
Rath's fusions
Rathwolfer | Kickin Rath
Nanomech's fusions
Ultimate Alien' Aliens
Water Hazard's fusions
Hazardrillo | Crash Hazard
AmpFibian's fusions
Armodrillo's fusions
Hazardrillo | Atomdrillo| Arctidrillo
Terraspin's fusions
Terraschill |Gutspin
NRG's fusions
NRBlast | NR-Wild | NR-Head | XLRG | NR-Grey | N-Arm-G | NR-Stink | NR-Jaws | NR-Grade | NRGhost | NR-Bolt | NR-Vine | NR-Blitz | N-Snare-G | Franken-RG | NR-Chuck | NR-Ditto | N-Eye-G | NR-Big | Swamp-RG | Echo-RG | Humun-RG | N-Ray-G | NR-Chill | Chrome-RG | Brain-RG | NR-Monkey | NR-Goop | Alien NRX | N-Star-G | N-Rath-G | Nano-RG | Water-G | NR-Fibian | NR-Drillo | Spin-RG | Fast-RG | Clock-RG | Cham-RG | NR-Squatch | NR-Eat | NR-Rigg | NR-Feed | Blox-RG | NR-Grav | NR-Hop | N-Ball-G | NR-Trout | NR-Dust | Mole-RG | NR-Worst | NR-Kick | NR-Pick | NR-Dactyl | Bull-RG | ATMNRG | NR-Gutrot | NR-Pire | Spit-RG | NR-Buzz | NR-Guana
Fasttrack's fusions
Clockwork's fusions
Clocksquatch | Clocktomix
ChamAlien's fusions
Shocksquatch's fusions
Shocksjaws| Clocksquatch| Crashocker
Jury Rigg's fusions
Jury Arms| Uprigg
Omniverse Aliens
Feedback's fusions
Gravattack's fusions
Grablasttack | Gravamutt | Gravahead | Grava-LR8 | Greyvattack | Grava Arms | Gravafly | Gravajaws | Upgravattack | Ghosttack | Feedbatack | Grabloxx | Gravhopper | Graballtack | Gravatrout | Grava Dust | Gravas-Tache | Gravaworst | Gravahawk | Gravapick | Gravatactyl | Gravallfrag | Gravatomix | Gutrottack | Gravampire | Spittarttack | Gravashock | Graviguana
Crashhopper's fusions
Crashocker | Crash Hazard
Ball Weevil's fusions
Weevilmonkey| Arctiweevil
Walkatrout's fusions
Pesky Dust's fusions
Peskmungodust|Toe Dust
Mole-Stache's fusions
The Worst's fusions
The Worstosaur
Kickin Hawk's fusions
Kickin Rath
Toepick's fusions
Cannontoe | Toe X | NR-Pick |Toe Dust
Astrodactyl's fusions
Blastrodactyl | Astrowild | Diamondactyl | AstrodactLR8 | Matterdactyl | Fourarmdactyl | Stinkodactyl | Astrojaws | Upgradactyl | Astrofreak | Blitzodactyl | Snarodactyl | Bigodactyl | Astrosaur | Jestrodactyl | Chillodactyl | Chromadactyl | Astromonkey | Rathodactyl | Nanodactyl | AmpFidactyl | Armodactyl | NR-Dactyl | Chamedactyl | Feedbadactyl | Astrobloxx | Gravatactyl | Astrohopper | Astroweevil | Astroutdactyl | Astro Dust | Astros-Tache | Astroworst | Astro Hawk | Astropick | Astrofrag | Astromix | Gutrodactyl | Whampadactyl | Spittodactyl | Buzzshodactyl | Arctidactyl
Bullfrag's fusions
Bullstar| Whampfrag
Atomix's fusions
Atomic X| Clocktomix | Atomdrillo | ATMNRG
Gutrot's fusions
Gutblast | Stinktrot | Gutgrade | Ghostrot | Blitzgut | Gutchuck | Swamprot | Echotrot | Chromatrot | Gutstorm | Gooptrot | Gut X | Gutstar | Gut Hazard | RotFibian |Gutspin | NR-Gutrot | Gutwork | Gutrottack | Gutoe | Gutomix | Buzztrot
Whampire's fusions
Feedpire| Whampfrag
Futuristic Aliens
Spitter's fusions
Buzzshock's fusions
Arctiguana's fusions
Archillguana | Arctidrillo | Arctiweevil