Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Detrovites are a species of orange humanoids from the planet Vulcan.


Detrovites are large muscular humanoids with orange skin, teeth exposed on the outside of lipless jaws, yellow eyes, and two horns on their jaw.

Powers and Abilties[]

Detrovites have enhanced strength and make for great warriors. They are also very durable.

Detrovites have incredible survivability, capable of surviving effective decapitation. With the right treatment, their bodies can be restored if destroyed.

Detrovites are a weather-resistant species, as their home world is 850 degrees "on a cold day", yet Vulkanus is able to survive in the temperatures on Earth.

Detrovites can breathe underwater.


Ancient Detrovites used energy manipulation tools to break down their food. Some of those implements are older than Earth's Solar System.

It was mentioned in Many Happy Returns that Detrovites can create a great navigational system.

Notable Detrovites[]

Evolved Detrovites[]

Detrovite Hybrids/Fusions[]

