Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Destruction is one of the main villains in Z-Force.

Appearance :[]

Destruction is described to have horns at his back, knees, and his shoulders. He also has a mouth that reseambles to Rip Jaws' mouth. His skin is gray and his eye is red.

Personality :[]

Although Destruction seems like a dim-witted person, he really isn't. He is quite smart to get himself out of jail, and still being unconcious and as a stone. He seems to be the replacement of Hunter, or a new servant ofThe Unknown.

History :[]

Destruction's history is yet to be known. He seems to work for The Unknown or is the replacement for Hunter (Jake Begone).

Trivia :[]

  • Destruction reseambles to DC character Doomsday.