Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Snake
Home World Earth
Body Skinny
Powers and Abilities
First Appearance TBA

Dakota is the Animotrix's DNA sample of a Snake from the planet Earth in Simba the Animal Ranger.


Dakota looks like a typical snake. His Animotrix symbol is located on his neck.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Dakota has the ability to shrink and grow back to normal size.
  • Dakota has poisonous fangs that he can use against his opponents.
  • Dakota can change his skin colors to blend in with their surroundings. 
  • Dakota is a powerful constrictor. When he wraps himself around his opponents, his crushing ability is strong enough to crush several steel beams at once.


  • Dakota cannot hold anything at all due to his lack of arms.
  • Dakota has an irrational fear of fire. Being near sources of fire or surrounded by it will leave him crippled and unable to function. However, this weakness is removed if he wears his armor as he feels safe being in his armor than being outside of it. 
  • Dakota is a weak fighter since he can easily be defeated, especially if caught off guard.
  • Dakota can't swim and loses his ability to camouflage if he wears his armor.


  • TBA


  • Whenever Dakota says a word that starts with the letter S, he triples it.