Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Cyber Brainstorm is a double-evolved Cerebrocrustecean.

Cyber Brainstorm
Cyber Brainstorm
General Information
Species Double-Evolved Cerebrocrustacean
Home World Encephalonus IV
Body Giant Red Crab
Alternate Counterparts TBA
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Electrokinesis
Projection Flight
Supernatural Durability (While not using full power)
Equipment Brain
Voice Actor ISM
First Appearance Hasn't appeared yet.


Cyber Brainstorm looks like Brainstorm without a costume, and has an electric V on his forehead, allowing him to shoot electricity without showing his brain.


Cyber Brainstorm has electrokinetic powers, just like any other variation of Brainstorm, but can fly using electricity.


This alien has not appeared in Cyberverse yet.


When Cyber Brainstorm is pushed to the limit, he opens his head and a Cyber powered electric blast shoots from Encephalonus I itself, causing critical damage. While Cyber Brainstorm is opening his head, he is vulnerable to any attack.


  • This alien has supernatural durability, for a crab.