Crimsonchin is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Petrosapien 4 from the planet Petropia in Universe-7781.
Crimsonchin is a 8 foot tall crystalline humanoid. He has big arms with pointy elbows and huge shoulders. He has two spikes coming out of his back. He wears a white uniform with green pants and a black collar and shoes. His knees are coming out of his pants. The Omnitrix is on his belt.
Powers and Abilities[]
Crystallokinesis: He can control crystals.
Body Morphing: He can make his arms into sharp blades.
Crystal Shard Projectiles: He can shoot crystal shards out of his fists.
Enhanced Durability: He can survived being punched out of orbit.
Enhanced Strength: He is almost as strong as a Methanosian.
Regeneration: He can regenerate.
Space Survivability: He can survive in the vacuum of space.
Arm Extension: He can extend his arms a few dozen feet.
Crystallization: He can encase things in crystal.
Heat Resistance: He cannot be affected by heat/fire.
Deflection: He body naturally deflects energy beams.
Time Ray Immunity: He cannot be harmed by time rays because "diamond doesn't age".
Sonic Vibrations: His crystals can break at the right frequency.
DNA Donor[]
- This alien has a page but isn't currently accessible by Ben.