Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
yuo can't creep the crabe in the agrav!

–Crabesixdotgif, literally every time he appears

General Information
Species Marysuyen
Home World Swaggonia
DNA source Himself, through a complicated system of time loops.
Body He has no need for a body, for Crabe surpasses all laws of physics.
Alternate Counterparts There are none, for there can only be one crabe.
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Immortality and everything else.
Voice Actor He is his own voice.

Crabesixdotgif is a very powerful alien, even considered to be more powerful than Alien X. How people know this, we have no idea. Perhaps they suffered his wrath first-person, and in that case, we hope they are okay.

Powers and Abilities[]

Crabesixdotgid has the abilities to manipulate bricks and gemstones such as diamonds and garnet as "pixels". He can also invert the universe and manipulate it anyway he wants. This makes him significantly powerful than any alien in the Codon Stream.

He also possesses a degree of imortality, able to revive himself and appear literally anywhere he feels like, even in his own corpse.


  • You can't keep the crabe in the grave.
  • He has risen.
  • Paper, he looks so happy. Why would you remove an innocent alien from this world.