Cooper Daniels[]

Cooper is one of Ben's allies. He is the grandson of one of Max's Plumber friends.
Cooper has fair skin, blue eyes, freckles, and long, blonde hair, which he ties in a pony tail.
Cooper wears a grey T-shirt underneath a purple sleeveless jersey with the number 3 written in yellow, a black necklace with a gold bead, black pants, and white and purple shoes. He also wears a dirty jacket full of holes, as well as fingerless black gloves. He again has gained weight, similar to his Alien Force appearance.
Cooper is quite a well meaning and friendly guy, although he can be quite naive as well. As a Plumber, Cooper can be a bit nervous but is still brave enough to fight or handle dangerous situations.
Powers and Abilities[]
Cooper is a technopath, able to mentally merge with and control electronic devices, both terrestrial and alien at will. He can telekinetically disassemble and reassemble any technology as well as telepathically interface and communicate with machines to analyze and gather information.
While using these abilities, his eye color would turn into a bluish color with a robotic-like print on them to show his connection to technology.
Cooper's signature power, despite being useful to manipulate technology, can render him slightly unconscious, at least when he was at a young age. Either way, this can also leave him wide open to attacks. While the power itself is useful, it can't affect purely mechanical entities that lack any need for electricity to function, especially ferrous components.
Despite being superhuman, Cooper lacks any obvious immunities or resistances, which means he possibly still retains the same exact weaknesses as regular humans.
- Cooper plays an MMORPG called Nations of Conquest.