Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Convaian are an alien species in the series, Brandon 10. They live on the planet Infirnator.


Convaians are humanoid creatures with sharp, grey faces that appear almost mechanical-like. Their necks are dark and surrounded by a pointed yellow collar. They also have black bands wrapped around her palms and wrists. Convaians can appear in a multitude of colors.

Powers and Abilities[]

Convaians have the ability to heal almost any injury and wound simply by touch. This process is undergone by subtly injecting naturally developed medicines into their patients or victims through needle-like accessories that are built into their finger tips. If they wanted to, they also have the ability to release these needles and fire them across long distances, carrying the medication within them. This is useful for reaching someone out of reach or resisting treatment. Just as Convaians can naturally develop medication in their own bodies, they can also turn that medication into poison but even they wanted to harm another individual, their poison isn't directly fatal and would only weaken them or make them sick.

Because of their healing biology, Convaians are also immune to many diseases and are natural healers when it comes to sustaining injuries, themselves.

Convians are also quite intelligent in medical terminology and procedures; absorbing knowledge quickly and utilizing it in medical emergencies. With their knowledge in medicine being so high, they can safely assume biology and anatomy of other alien species as well by gathering absorbing the bare-minimum of information about them.


Convaians aren't quite physical. In fact, they are a race of healers and researchers. So while they aren't necessarily defenseless or incapable of fighting back, their attack and defensives skills lack in crucial areas- making them easy to take down by a seasoned and experienced fighter or strategist.

Known Convaians[]


  • Convaians are so talented at healing others that most of them work as doctors and healers across the galaxy in space hospitals and treatment centers.

