Your name is JOHN EGBERT. You are STANDING IDLY in your BEDROOM.
You decide to look at the calendar.
Oh yes. Today is THAT DAY. THAT DAY specifically being YOUR BIRTHDAY. Congratulations JOHN EGBERT, you are now THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. But that's not the best part.
The BEST PART is that TWO DAYS AGO the game you have been looking forward to for months was released.
It's name is Sburb, and the Beta should be in your mailbox. You are so ecstatic.
You are so ecstatic you do a little dance. Oh John, what a horrible dancer you are. Great, we meant great. Don't give us that look John.
You look sadly towards the camera.
Stop that John, it's giving the readers headaches as they try to determine if this has any plot significance at all. That's the joke. It has all the plot significance.
You don't think it has any significance, so you go and sit in your desk by your computer.
Hey, your friend Dave is online. You start typing up a message.
[EB]: hey.
[TG]: sup
[TG]: did u get my gift
[EB]: haha, not yet!
[TG]: thats ok i guess
[EB]: my dad is sort of downstairs baking cakes, and i don't want to bother him!
[TG]: by bother do u mean not run into him
[EB]: haha, maybe.